Sunday, July 24, 2011

Falling in love and fast.

So, I survived my first weekend at the liquor store. And I have realized that it isn't as bad as I was told it was going to be and how I anticipated. I suppose I was only there from 9-1 on this lovely Sunday but those few hours were quite enjoyable. All the "Minnesotans" were very friendly, none rude whatsoever. I think people are just as nice and considerate as you are to them. I had a few comments on how my greeting was quite lovely to hear early in the morning and it's much better than the automatic "Welcome!" you get as you walk in our door. At Spirit Sellers, you get both! I have to say I loved smelling the tanning lotion on a lot of the ladies that came in. Makes me feel like summer :) ..even if I'm working. 

Working at the liquor store is a confidence boost. I can hear my mom say, "like you need one." Last night a guy came in, didn't really look at me as he made his way to the counter, eventually looked up from his money and yelled "Oh my god, I LOVE your hair!" Then he put his hands up to give me ten and I did of course, laughing. "your bangs are awesome! You goin to LumberJack Days tonight?"  I could not get enough of the fact that he was so jacked about life and partly my hair. As I left my shift this morning, I told my boss thanks so much for hiring me. Cheesy, I know. But I think I've done a great job at expressing to people how much I appreciate things they do for me these days. They appreciate it too, I'm sure. Working at the liquor store is so different, but in a good way, because at Kindercare I'm working with people, yes, but the same people year after year. Here, I am seeing and meeting new people constantly as well as seeing people I haven't seen in forever. Ah, I am falling in love and fast. This makes me actually think I could have a serving job someday. Maybe! I left work today with a bottle of wine? booze? I'm not even sure what it is. Cocoa Vino Mint. A marriage of milk chocolate, red wine, mint and cream. 
 Does that make your mouth water? I have a feeling that I'm going to be going home with lots of drinks/booze/beers I haven't tried. Thank you 10% discount ;) 

After my short morning shift today, I went to my girlfriend's baby shower. I love showers! Bridal showers, baby showers, Bachelorette parties- he he. Life is so great. Not going to lie, and I didn't admit it to anyone there, but I cannot wait for my turn. I mean, I can, but I can't, you know what I mean. I promise not to get baby crazy for a couple more years, or at least I'll try my best. I was definitely touching Jamie's belly way too much. Jamie eventually told me that that means I would become pregnant soon. I think she was just trying to weird me out and it worked, but I still rubbed her belly some more. I loved being around girls I'm not around all the time, or enough I should say. I love girlfriends. I need to try harder and see them more! Goal #1 for the rest of the summer! I've noticed in the last few nights, because I've been busy with my new job and just running around in general, that once I have makeup on, and am out, I have so much motivation. I have motivation inside yes, but that's to work out, read, clean. ha. Different kind of motivation. It's funny to me how introvert and extrovert I am. Can one be both? 

Okay, cheers to the most pointless blog ever !! 

 I love you. 

Move in countdown: 8 Days !!! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I am proud of myself.

- for two reasons, mainly. This week I a) paid off my car payment b) worked out 3 times! This is definitely a milestone for me. Now, if I could just get myself to a yoga class once a week. I intended on going to yoga this morning but I am blaming my nonattendance on having to drive Joel to his brother's at 4 this morning to then catch a plane at 6 for his cousin's wedding in Texas today. Also, on the fact that I returned home and then slept until 10:20 8:20 this morning. Clearly, I had lots of sleep to catch up on from this past week. For some reason I have had a terrible time getting out of bed not once, but everyday this week. I need to eat more green food. And drink more coffee? So now it's noon. Instead of going to yoga, getting coffee with a girlfriend who's in town, and doing some laundry; I have laid in bed until 11:30 reading my book I can't put down. Crazy, books continue to take over my life. But, I did just shower and now am drinking my second cup of coffee. Think I'll accomplish any of the things I had wanted to? Probably not. 

I have my second day of work today at the liquor store. My first day was Tuesday night from 5-9. Luckily, the computer system is up to date, unlike Mr. Movies, so this transition should be a bit easier. I'm just so used to working with kids, not money and adults. Some things I need to remember: ask if they want a bag, ask to see their ID. Quite simple you'd think. Eh, I'm a scatter brain and remember hardly anything. I made myself a cheat sheet just like I did at Mr. Movies. The people I work with probably think I'm such a dork. Or a slow learner, both legit. The girl who trained me asked me to put tequila into the search on our computer system. This is what I typed in, "hose." I then laughed as she told me it's spelt with a "j" and then I proceeded to ask her if she could tell I never drink tequila. Whatever! I'm not embarrassed that I don't party! :) Another lady came in and asked for a kind of alcohol I've never heard of. Ah learning experiences. And this experience will be interesting. I'm a little intimidated by working on weekends and especially this weekend since it's my first. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. When all the "Minnesotans" come over to buy their alcohol that they had all week to buy just because all liquor stores are closed over there on Sundays. I'm told they are, a lot of the time, demanding and rude. I don't do well with demanding and rude people. So tomorrow, should once again, be interesting. I should have gotten a job at an uptown liquor store ;)

Tomorrow I work from 9-1, small morning shift for my first Sunday, I'll take it :) Then I'm off to a girlfriend's baby shower. I have to say, the other night as I entered Babies R us, I felt weird, opposite emotions all at the same time. I felt super excited for my girlfriends who are having babies and looking forward to buying them cute things and also I was entirely freaked out. I, by no means, want to be in that store buying anything for myself for a long time.

Move in count down: 9 days !!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hey new job!

 I promise this won't be the name of a blog post for awhile now ;)

A couple weeks ago, after I had quit my stupid second job selling knives (puke) I began the job search again. I went around town, took some applications, and talked to some managers/owners about what exactly I am looking for. Spirit Sellers Liquor Store down town Hudson was one of the places I stopped in at. The owner told me they weren't hiring at the moment, but to come back in August because he would know where all his college workers where at and whatnot. I told him my name and that I worked full time at Kindercare so I was looking for nights and weekends. I took his card and didn't see that opportunity going anywhere. Until. Last Friday he called me at Kindercare and informed me that one of his employees had put in her two weeks, he had an opening and he wanted me to come down and fill out an application after work. Now, he's a good memory. I couldn't believe that he called Kindercare and asked for Kelsey Parr. Awesome. I went down, filled out an app and basically had an interview as I was filling it out. I got to the point on the application (that I hate) that asks if you've been charged with a felony or misdemeanor in the last five years. ugh. Because I would be selling liquor, I felt the need to address my situation to him. After I told him I had gotten a DUI two years ago, I felt like that kind of killed it. I told him, I obviously would love it if that wasn't on my record, but I'm glad and thankful for how getting in trouble like that had changed me. I've done a lot of growing and changing in the last couple years. He asked me a few more questions and then told me he would get back to me within a week. I'm thinking great, there goes that job opportunity. The begining of this week rolls around and I'm thinking "ugh, I just want another job now I don't even want to go turn in all my applications. Basically, I'm asking for a job to just fall into my lap. AND surprisingly, he called me Tuesday afternoon while I was working and said if I was still interested, he would be willing to move forward with me. I worked past his office hours that night and looked so forward to calling him Wednesday on my break. I called him and thanked him for looking past my incident and giving me this opportunity. He said "You seem very genuine and I think it just feels right. :):) And I asked my son and another employee (both who I graduated high school with) and they said you would be a good one to add to the team." 

Heck yes! I've finally found a second job that I want. After working at Mr. Movies for those two months before it shut down, I thought I wasn't going to find another job that was ideal for nights and weekends like that one was. So I'm excited and nervous (just like I was with Mr. Movies, can you believe it?) to take on something new. I don't have a lot of newness in my life so when I get it occasionally, I'm ecstatic. Lots of new beginings! 

Move in countdown: 18 days !! 
There Kris, now you're caught up ;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Take that! Head ache.

I almost blogged from the bathtub just now. Decided not to, only because my main intention was the relax in the bath. I got home from work with a major head ache, popped some ibuprofen, lit a candle, ran a bath, and put on some Norah Jones Pandora. Ahh what those few things will do. Not going to lie, I still have a faint head ache, but I'm blaming that on the time of the month. What was also relaxing and somewhat funny, is that my cats have to be at my side even when I'm soaking in the tub. I felt the need to take a picture and post it on facebook. Olive was even at one point sticking her paw in, or just straight up drinking from the bath. I laughed until I realized that I put bath salts and oil in my bath- that cannot be good for a kittie's insides. Over the past few months, since Hanna's moved out, the cats of been very lovey and needy. I know they missed her at first. Maybe they still do, although Joel is around also and he gives and gives attention to them. He even treats them with Fancy Feast. Olive has also been enjoying my showers. She will sit between the curtain and the clear liner the entire time. Occasionally swatting at the water that trickles down, standing on her hind legs so tall I feel like she'll fall into the shower. That will teach her. I'm waiting for the day :) Up until Olive and Oscar, I've never really understood how needy and annoying (depending on the time of morning) cats are before you get out of bed each morning. Oscar isn't so bad, but Olive walks all over my body like my brother used to drive his little toy trucks all over my mom as she would nap on the couch in our living room. That was cute, this is just annoying. I can only imagine how in-my-face I will feel like they are once we move in 3 weeks !! That was definitely bold worthy. I say that because we have so much space compared to what we will have living in a studio apartment. But, my mom says they will adapt., cats always do. She's probably right. Mother's usually are. 

I'm feeling a thousand times better after my relaxing time in the bath. You know my day was frustrating when I went home and immediately got the bath necessities together at 5pm and jumped right in. I think the high point of my day was when one of my two year olds yelled, "YEAHH BUDDAY" after I did, as I was cutting the jello jigglers we made this morning. I love my job. 


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Here's to you, lady.

I don't know what it is- Probably the Tiesto song I'm listening to- "The Power of You" that makes me feel this crazy amount of happiness for a friend of mine. This isn't just any friend. At one point in my life- she was thee friend. My best friend. Life took crazy turns, separated us and oddly, after years, and I mean years, brought us back together. We've grown up so much, done so many different things, grown in so many different ways, learned how to live without each other. After life does what it prefers to do with you at the time being, it, for lack of a better saying, is a bird that literally shits on your face when you least expect it. Well, sometime, the shit on your face awakens you. And in this case- it opened my eyes. It awakened me to an entirely different level. I realized, that you know, after all this time, that maybe our lives weren't so perfect without each other. Maybe something was missing. Or maybe our lives were okay with each other in them- ups and downs in it. I have always walked away from situations that I don't know how to deal with. I walk away, think about it, take it all in, find time to fully assess what's happened, what's going on in my mind and then I can deal with it in the best way possible. Gosh, I'm going off on a tangent. Andrea, I am so proud of you. I'm so glad you're pursuing what makes you happy, what makes you feel secure. Since that day at the bank, I haven't been scared to tell you and others that I'm so glad, although at the time I hated it, that you went through what you went through. Life would have been easier if it hadn't taken that route, but it did and you bounced back and made it all okay. You have always been such a "strong personality" and life is so fun with that around. I wish you the best of luck in Florida and I can't tell you enough that I just want to high-five you frequently for what you've been through and what's to come. From here on out, this crazy life is going to work in your favor. Do it right, baby girl ;) It's a new start and you deserve it. 

Longest post of my life.

Due to the weekend's awesome festivities, I have not had the chance to recap on my 4th of July. As I said in my last post, this year was going to be entirely different from last. This weekend every year is fun because it's America's birthday and what Joel and I like to call our anniversary. Not "official" anniversary- that would most likely be around September time. But July 3rd, or 4th (I always say 3rd) We like to argue the actual night. was the night that we invaded each other's lives and have not walked away yet, nor have ever wanted to. Not that Joel has ever hidden the night from people, even from our parents, but I will spare you the details. Who knew a relationship this amazing could come from a one-night-stand. Can I say that on my blog? yes. I remember my girlfriend specifically telling me, "don't start 'hanging out with him, Kels' he's a relationship person, he's going to want to be your boyfriend." My response was always, "Psh, I don't want a boyfriend." 

This used to be my mentality.
Alesia, how right were you? This hanging out soon turned into shit, I don't want a boyfriend but this is awesome. You don't want a girlfriend. But we can't stay away from each other. Should you just be my boyfriend/girlfriend? I don't remember when we actually decided but nobody could believe it. Kelsey Parr had a boyfriend. And in all reality, these last two years have been amazing. Here's where I get crazy and post way too many pictures of my boyfriend and I. I have to say, looking through old pictures of us makes me even more happy to be where I am in my relationship. I feel like I just put together a frickin wedding slide show ;) Don't worry, that won't be for awhile. Mark my words. 

We like to spoon.

Cali. <3


Boundary Waters.



And here we are today.

There it is folks. Some of the many many pictures we've taken over the course of our two years. I frequently find myself asking Joel if he thinks other couples are like us; if other couples are as happy, if other couples laugh as hard as we do when we're together. We have way too much fun together and I feel so blessed. I think we'll be okay when the only thing we argue about is who loves the other more. Well, and what night it all started. 


Saturday, July 2, 2011

The early bird gets the worm.

I've gotten used to the fact that I'm up early on weekends. But today takes the cake, at a whopping 5:50 am wake up. I went to the bathroom and can usually lay back down and fall asleep for another hour. Not today. Far too much energy and my mind was already racing with the things I have to accomplish this morning before it's play time. I made some breakfast, eggs and toast, breakfast of champions and now I plan to blog/read while I wait for to tummy to settle before my morning workout. And I want to take a second to congratulate myself for sticking to working out this week! I have been trying hard to not constantly snack and eat chocolate all day long at work. It's ironic, because it's always the week before my period that I have motivation to eat healthy, workout and give myself pep talks when at the same time I'm craving chocolate more than you know. After my morning workout, I'm off to Walmart to pick up pictures and get the remaining ones off my cam and make some space on that  ol' sim card. I have a feeling this weekend is going to be jam packed with kodak moments. Life usually is, anyways! Now, I think everyone can agree that this 4th of July weekend is going to be far different from last year's 4th of July weekend. Last year, we were all at Dave. At Alpine. Perfect place to spend 4th of July weekend and our group was amazing. But I will not let this discourage me! Who knows, this may top last year's 4th. I doubt it. Today I am off to a friend's cabin just for the day/night (I will be wearing straight sunscreen all day today) and will be back tomorrow to hit up down town Hudson. I have not yet experienced the B-E-E-R tents since I've been 21 so I'm feeling the need to do that this year. I spelt it out for you because that's the way I've been having to say it when my co-workers ask me what I'm doing this weekend. My two year olds repeat everything. That's just what I need, my two year olds going home and saying beer and then telling mom and dad they learned it from Ms. Kelsey. I will most likely be turning in some applications that I picked up on Thursday. Second job, here I come! Can I just say, I despise the part on an application that says, "Have you been charged with a felony or misdemeanor in the last 5 years? If yes, list dates and explain." ugh. Why is a DUI considered a misdemeanor, that sounds so intense and can we just not talk about it? I learned my lesson, trust me. Another side note: yesterday I was one month away from moving to Stillwater. I am so excited. Every time I'm in Stillwater, I drive by, call me crazy. This weekend also marks two years that I've had a boyfriend. Post on my constant love and adoration for him later ;)