Monday, March 26, 2012

"If you smile a lot when you're young, when you're old, you'll have wrinkles in all the right places"

I am having such a good day.

I just want to throw a fist full of glitter into the air right now. 

And with this rainy weather? I don't even understand my happiness and awesome feeling of being content. But, I refuse to question why, happiness in general. 

Ah, I needed today. After two hours of work this morning, lucky me, I got to go home to Joel's house and have a personal day. My 3 and a half hours of sleep last night just didn't allow me to bring my 'A' game to work today. 

We need rain so bad. Let's get rid of this yellow, gross looking grass and turn it green, shall we, Mother Nature? I am fine with a rainy day every once and awhile, I actually love them. My favorite kind of day, in fact, is right before it rains. When it's cooler outside, its gloomy, cloudy, but comfortable in temperature all around. Although, this is not today, today the rain is hangin out. The skies actually look like they are clearing up now that I'm looking outside. Gosh, I haven't moved from this spot for far too long. Easy to do when I'm feeling so fantastic right now. I love that I'm feeling fantastic right now. 

Here, things to make you feel the way I'm feeling :) :)

And most importantly,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Blessed, everytime.

You know me and quote books. Well, I came across another one.. that my mom owns. After our low key St. Patty's Day celebration of golfing and grilling out with my parents, we were wiped.. less wiped than we would have been if we actually would have gone out, I'm sure. You know, day drinking in the sun will do that to you, no matter how chill the activity. In all reality, I have never raged on St. Patty's Day, besides the year we were in Cancun. That was fantastic. I can't count how many times people said to me that year, "You are the tannest Irish person I've ever met." I'm not Irish, you idiots. Anyways, back to the quote book! Before Joel and I fell asleep Saturday night, I realized this book sitting on the nightstand in my parent's guest bedroom, called May You Be Blessed. Let me break it down for you:) 

May you be blessed with all things good. 
May your joys, like the stars at night, be too numerous to count.
May your victories be more abundant than all the grains of sand on all the beaches on all the oceans in all the world. 
May lack and struggle only serve to make you stronger;
And may beauty, order and abundance be your constant companions. 
May every pathway you choose lead to that which is pure and good and lovely.  
May every doubt and fear.. be replaced by a deep abiding trust as you behold evidence of a higher power all around you. 
And when there is only darkness and the storms of life are closing in.. 
May the light at the core of your being illuminate the world. 
May you always be aware you are loved beyond measure and may you be willing to love unconditionally in return;
And when you are tempted to judge, may you be reminded that we are all one, and that every thought you think reverberates across the universe, touching everyone and everything. 
And when you are tempted to hold back, may you remember that love flows best when it flows freely;
And it is in giving that we receive the greatest gift. 
May you always have music and laughter;
And may a rainbow follow every storm. 
May gladness wash away every disappointment, may joy dissolve ever sorrow...
And may love ease every pain. 
May every wound bring wisdom and every trial bring triumph;
And with each passing day, may you live more abundantly than the day before. 
May you be blessed.
And may others be blessed by you. 

That just makes me want to live better. Not necessarily everyday, but every so often, stop and think about all the things you have to be thankful for and that you are blessed to have. Stop and really think. Make a list. Reference it. 

And now for a techno spin:) This girl has an amazing voice. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Crazies.

Let me break it down for you. I live in a big old house in down town Stillwater. It's split up into 4 different apartments- a one bedroom down stairs in the front of the house, a two bedroom downstairs in the back of the house, my studio upstairs in the front of the house and then a two bedroom upstairs in the back of the house. My neighbor downstairs is awesome, she's a mom in her, oh, I'd say.. 40's and her 25 year old daughter lives with her. She's got a 22 year old daughter who lives across the street in other apartments. The guy who lives downstairs, I have never seen since August of last summer when I moved in. He's quite the mystery man. Now the apartment right next to mine, upstairs, I don't have a clue who lives there. A few months ago, a platonic couple moved in and the girl had a daughter about 3 years old. This lady was thee worst mom ever. I constantly heard her yelling at her daughter to shut up and always heard this sweet little 3 year old screaming and crying. I, working in chlidcare, had a very hard time with this. I, so many times, wanted to go knock and her door and tell her she's doing this wrong, by this, I mean, being a mother. After so many nights of yelling and the cops even coming to her place, this lady took her 3 year old and moved out. Now.. months later.. I haven't seen the guy that moved into the apartment with them. But I see about 6 different guys that are constantly coming and going at all hours of the day/night. I never see girls come in and out but I hear girls in the apartment. The walls are thin and my bathroom is on the other side of the wall as their bathroom and bedroom and I can hear everything that goes on in that bathroom. Let me tell you, I got thee best laugh when the guy that lived there was singing "When the Thunder rolls" or whatever it's called by Garth Brooks. He only knew the main chorus, so he sung it over and over, as well as the background music, for a good 15 minutes. I was home alone and could not stop laughing. So let me get to the serious shit stuff. I was taking a bath on Monday night, enjoying my wine.. I was two glasses down (I've been hearing people going up and down the stairs outside our apartments all night) when I hear something fall down the stairs.. not a body, but something heavy. I hear it fall all the way down to the bottom of the steps. Here comes the swearing. I immediately hear a girl yelling "You Fucking (I can say fucking in my blog if I want) asshole!... You're such a fuck.. blah blah blah.." Then I hear the guy start yelling at this girl to stop yelling and swearing, all along while he's yelling and swearing. Then, I hear someone running, who's being chased, from the front door to the bathroom (keep in mind I'm on the other side of this wall, in the bathtub, naked, buzzed, shocked, my heart is racing because I know how this is going to end) The girl is yelling at this guy to stop, the guy is yelling at this girl to f-ing shut up and then BOOM. He hits her to the ground and... silence. At least that was what I thought happened. That is what it sounded like. Yelling, and then immediate silence. How else would one describe the huge boom and then silence? I sat for a minute, grabbed my phone and texted my neighbor mom who I love from downstairs "There is totally domestic violence going on in our house. Tell me you just heard that." Five minutes later, I heard more people coming up the stairs, hear a knock and then "Police! Open up!" Oh Thank god, hallelujah! Because the thought of calling the cops crossed my mind, but someone beat me to it. A second later, my phone rings, it's my neighbor mom.. explaining that they heard it all too. I'm naked.. in the bath ..I've had wine.. do I need to get out and put clothes on? Are the cops going to come talk to me? The cops did not come talk to me, thank god, but I did over hear the girl say, "He forgot to take his meds.. but he just took them.." I wanted to run out the door and say, He just hit you! You psycho, don't stick up for him. I hate people like you. Don't be a stupid girl. Who knows, maybe he didn't hit her, but he did. And wonderful, I have ill, crazy people living right next door to me. When I told Joel about this intense hour he responded with, "You always have crazy people living next to you." I don't know if he's talking about the little, older black woman with long dreads that always smelt like marijuana and frequently sung Rhianna and Whitney Houston songs way too loud or if he's talking about my parent's neighbor who has thee worst display of mismatched Packer decorations you've ever seen in your life. I have to say, I would prefer those two over the current crazies.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Home and happy.

First of all, I missed Dr. Seuss' birthday last Friday. He is, by far, my favorite children's book author and I wanted to share this video that one of my girlfriends gave me. It is a wonderful, creative version of Oh, the Places You'll Go!-- my favorite book of his. Happy belated birthday, you genius! 


So, I'm back in the states! Vacations are always awesome but it's always awesome to get home safe and home to my kitties. You should have seen my babies when I got home last night. Neither of them left my side through my entire night's sleep last night either. Those wild cats that hung out under our balcony at our resort just didn't cut it for me. I miss my cats more than anything.

My second experience at the Paris airport was different than the first, only because I had no time for unfriendliness, or anything for that matter. I got off my flight and my flight to Minneapolis was already boarding. I was the girl that I've seen many times, sprinting from one side of the airport to the other, in fear that she's going to miss her flight. So, of course, because I was rushed, going through customs and security was the s l o w e s t I've ever experienced it and I was pulled aside, frisked, and my bags were gone through. chop, chop, my plane is boarding. Let's go!! This time, I hate to admit it, I was the rude one. I refuse to be stuck here with you inconsiderate assholes. I left that part out. I kid you not, within 3 minutes of me getting on that plane, they announced that they had shut the doors and we would be taking off shortly. 

My flight home was amazing. The plane was pretty much empty, almost every person had their row to themselves. I had a few glasses of complimentary Merlot, popped some drowsy motion sickness pills to put me to sleep, slept and then eventually finished my book. The flight attendants were amazing. I have never had such friendly, outgoing, young flight attendants in my life. They made my stay on that plane very enjoyable, just like all flight attendants should.

If I ever go back to Spain, I definitely want to learn some Spanish, or even some French. If I ever do become a flight attendant, this would be a good idea anyways. It's hard being surrounded by people who you don't understand and who don't understand you. For the most part, the people at our resort were friendly. I felt like, because there are a few different languages spoken where I was, it was this big mystery. I felt like people didn't try and talk with others much because no one really knew who spoke what. Which is very different from what I've known and am used to. I'm from the Midwest, I'm used to friendly people, people always saying "hi" to one another, people always willing to chat. It's hard for me to be the bigger person and lead by example, when I smile at people and they don't smile back. It's something I need to work on. I just don't have time for rude people. I've only been so many places in my almost 24 years of life, but I will always think that us Midwest folk are definitely the friendliest, most laid back and all around awesome :) No one compares.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cerveza porfavor.

This is the fourth full day of my Euro vacay and I for some sad reason, am struggling with blogging. Like I said before, I need to be in motivated-I-need-to-blog-now mode in order for a goodie but Joel and I have been telling ourselves we're going to wake up early tomorrow, every day, and catch up in the internet world. But it's soo amazing sleeping in and finally waking up in our king size bed when we sleep with our patio door open and the sun and breeze are there immediately to wake us. Can we just stay in bed forever? 

My first 8 hour flight to Paris was lovely, because I sat next to an American (sorry) who spoke English. Thank you, god. Let's be real, it was intimidating waiting for my flight being surrounded by terrorist looking people, none of which spoke English. Well, a few did. I sound  racist, I'm not, I just grew up with close to no diversity. I'm cool with it, and would be cooler with it if people were friendly and smiled once and awhile. Little did I know, this was nothing close to the unfriendliness I was about to encounter. The minis I bought at the liquor store were unnecessary because you get complimentary cocktails on international flights. I had 3 cups of wine, got a good buzz and the friendly guy, who sounded like and resembled my cousin's husband like crazy, moved and sat in the middle of the isle because those seats weren't taken. So I had some room to stretch and privacy, not to surf the internet, because we weren't over the US. So, Happy belated birthday, blog, I was unable to wish you a good one on the actual day. I listened to my Tiesto podcasts and watched movies that featured Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling and techno, yess pleaseeeee.

My layover in Paris was moderately awful, so much for being the city of love. I've heard the French aren't so fond of Americans so I had this master plan of not talking to anyone, so of course people had to talk to me. All friendliness drained from their faces once they learned I spoke no French. Dammit, stop talking to me. Rosetta Stone where you at? My gate was changed 3 different times, so I was a complete lost American, who despised having to ask anymore questions. Please just let me board my plane and get the F out of here. I don't have time for rude people. You all suck. 

I swear I was the only person on my flight from Paris to Malaga who spoke English, so I slept and pretended to sleep. It was absolutely amazing to see Joel smiling and holding a sign that said, "Kelsey Parr" with a nice big heart standing amongst all the other people holding signs not really knowing the people they were there to pick up. There's my first genuine smile in a short while, god that feels good.

Our days have consisted of being in the sun, drinking cervezas,mimosas, rum, vodka, and delicious coffee (okay, lots of drinking) and playing giant games of chess, checkers, mini golf and sweating like crazy in the sauna and hot tubs. The pools outside are way too cold to swim in comfortably but the sun is always shinning. It's been windy and a little chilly to just have your suit on. There aren't many young people here and a few of the bars and restaurants in our resort are closed because it's their off season. I can imagine how crazy it is here during different times of the year.We're basically the only young, loud ones who party. For the most part, it's been very relaxing. 

I learned that the love of my life, Tiesto is playing in the Netherlands on the 3rd, which would make my life if we could afford to go but that is just not going to happen. We are too far from there. My life could literally end the next day and I would still feel like I lived a very fulfilled life.That is love. Kidding, but seriously. Someday I will see him in Europe. It's on my to-do list. Tomorrow night we are going to a place called Dreamers. "Dreamer's Disco is known as the cathedral of house music and is one of the most popular clubs in the Marbella area" Perfect, why are we still standing here? I'm going to rage.