Monday, May 12, 2014

If Mondays were shoes, they'd be crocs.

Unless you had the Monday that I had. In my case, if today were shoes, it would be stilettos. Or maybe not stilettos, seen as though since moving my life to Colorado, I rarely wear heels and when I do, I make a fool of myself. I've said recently that I will no longer feel confident walking up and down the stairs in public wearing heels, especially if I've had a drink or two. So, perhaps today would be wedges? Or maybe a nice pair of flats? That's more like it. You get what I mean. Today was stellar. Today was just the day that my co-teacher and I needed. I honestly don't remember a day that ran so smoothly in my classroom. And I had a new start! First day in my class and he acted like he's been in it all along. No tears whatsoever! Hopefully, that's the case for tomorrow as well. You can definately tell that he's been in a center prior and you can definately tell that he's two years old. Hallelujah! Can't all of them be like that? I'll take twenty of you, thanks! 

To put the icing on the cake, I got off work an hour early! Although, it's still chilly here, I hate that it's nicer back in the Midwest, the sun was and still is, shinning even at 7PM. Honestly, the weather here has more intense mood swings than my two year olds or me during my period. 

I'm starting to regret not keeping tabs on what days I've all worked out this month. I told myself I would do so, just to see how I do. It's a funny thing, when Joel's gone, I eat healthier, get to bed at a reasonable hour and I work out a handful of times during the week. He joked once, "When I'm on tour, you get hotter and I get richer." Not that he or we are rich, by any means. This could be a terrible thing come later in life when we have babies and he goes on tour less (No, babe, I didn't say not at all, because I know you still will) and we are spending more time together. Joel and I are two very different people and along with many other things, we have completely different eating habits. I need to eat within 15 minutes of being awake or I'm a crabby bia until I do and he doesn't eat anything until afternoon each day. And then he constantly eats until he goes to bed at night. He even periodically gets up in the middle of the night, eats some chocolate and comes back to bed. I've honestly found candy wrappers in our bed before. I tell him, that this behavior will catch up with him some day. So, anyways, what I'm trying to say, is that I'm proud of myself for continuously working out this month of May. I say it like that because knowing myself, it will not last. I go through spurts. Let's hope I can prove myself wrong this time around. 

I've been thinking. It's time to revamp my blog. You know, especially since I plan to make money off of it someday. Hey, a girl can dream right? But I also want to rename Her. It's hard, simply because I don't blog about any one thing. It's not a cooking blog, a mommy blog, a fashoin blog or a travel blog. Although, I do intend to share those life experiences with you at some point or as they come about. Except the cooking one. And the fashion one, I'm not so into it. Or, I am but lets just say, that isn't one of my expertise. I originally started this blog because I had planned on visiting the Holy Land a few years ago with my mom and I wanted to document it, share it with the world. But then shit hit the fan things got crazy in Egypt and we ended up not going. I figured, hey! I think I live an entertaining life and I'm pretty funny, why not just start a blog about the randomness of my thoughts? So, I did. I don't even remember the year I started, and I can't figure out blogger, I'm completely computer impaired, so I have absolutely no idea how to even return to my first post. I did at one point, looked over my first handful of blogs and even laughed out loud. Why was I funnier back then? I'm witty these days but I used to be down right hilarious. What gives? So, I asked a friend of mine, a fellow blogger, to meet me for some coffee and show me around the blog world a bit more, give me some tips. She's a pro. This is where I'm wishing I knew how to copy her link into my blog, right here, so you can see for yourself. Also, what the heck am I going to rename my blog? I literally took no thought into the current name, "Kelsey Lately," I just love Chelsea Handler and her show and my name conveniently ryhmes with hers. So, score. Any ideas? Throw them my way. One of us is bound to think of something clever. 


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Home Is Where Your Mom Is.

It's sleeting right now and the heat is back on. Major bummer. This may be the first time that I've been jealous of the weather back in the Midwest since I've moved my life to Colorado. Sheesh! I guess, that's what I get for posting pictures and posts about the great 75 degree weather we had in February? 

Anyways, the weather is beside the point and we have much more important things to address in today's blog. 

Happy, Happy Day to all the wonderful moms in my life!

Last night, I spent time over at the Herauf's. Alyssa is my best friend here in Colorado and she has just recently become a mother. I am thankful that I have her and her husband, Eric, in my life; people that I just like to be in the company of. And their precious little two month old babe, Elliott, is just a bonus.

I'm apologizing in advance for the ridiculous amounts of photos I'll be taking of my children when they exist someday. 

Along with being a great friend, advice giver and listener, Alyssa is a wonderful mommy. I'm lucky to have the ability to watch Elliott grow and spend this fun experience of Motherhood with her. 

Moving on to Superwoman this wonderful lady: 

I can't even express to you the love and admiration I have for this woman that I get to call my Mom. You can see it in this picture. Note: the far right side of this photo. This picture was taken at my Brother's wedding while my mom was reading her blessing. Such wise and loving words that came straight from her soul and my goodness, what a great moment to capture in a photo and have the ability to look back on. This woman has shown me more love and understanding than I've ever known possible and has always encouraged me to be 100% of who and I and to be proud of that person. She is to blame, if that's even the word to use, for this positive, sunshine life I live. I hope to do everything that you did, while raising me and I sure hope you are along for the entire ride of being a Mother myself some day. 

With our friends and families having babies, Joel and I have been talking more and more about how fun it is going to be when the time comes for us to be parents. The thought of making and having a baby that is half me and half Joel, well, it doesn't get anymore fun, I don't think. The concept is just the coolest thing in the world to me. It's fun for us to imagine and talk about what our babes will look like, what traits they will have from either or both of us. As easy as it would be to hop on the baby train, we are staying happily stationary in the childless area for a few more years and it will be that much more exciting, having waited until we accomplished all the things we need and want to do, most of which would be quite difficult with littles occupying our time. 

For now, I am content being a mommy to these beautiful, furry babies:

& Olive.
 And someday, I get to add this beautiful lady to my mom list

 Now, go hug your mother. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

 By 10:30 this morning I had already done two loads of laundry, done the dishes, cleaned my house (given, my house isn't big, by any means), worked out and had eaten two breakfasts. Say it with me, successful Saturday morning!  

I'm just drinking coffee out of my R-rated mug that Joel's Grandmas probably don't prefer so much and looking out the window and watching all the white stuff float around my neighborhood and I feel so thankful that I don't have allergies. Both my mom and brother acquired allergies in the twenties and I'm crossing my fingers that that ridiculousness skips me. Being a nature enthusiast, I think that would be devastating. That would be right up there with a cat or a candle allergy. We all know, these are a few things that would break me. 

After an absolutely wonderful, love filled 'Teacher Appreciation Week' I seriously feel like a doughnut. I am a doughnut. I'm going to be honest with you, I bet I ate 13 donuts this week, possibly between 13-15. Odds are good that it's the later. Good thing I felt motivated to work out this morning. Can I get a thumbs up for that one? It's weeks like this, especially, that I love my job. Among the appreciative words and thoughtful little cards and gifts, we host a Mother's Day Tea at the end of the week every year and invite all the moms and grandmas (dads and grandpas are welcome too, we don't discriminate) and it's gatherings like that that make me feel so full. Yes, they last a short amount of time, given the attention span of my classroom's age, but any excuse to sit down with my parents and meet them on the friend level, not just the 'I take care of your child' level, is important to me. It's weeks like this that I am also surprised by gifts given by families that I wouldn't have thought would give them. 

I received news the other day that Joel's parents will be coming out over our anniversary weekend and going camping with us. Joel's parents haven't visited us yet and we could not be more excited to spend that special weekend with them. Anniversary weekend plus the 4th of July- that's one heck of a special time. We are lucky enough to have both of our parents out within a matter of two months. My parents will be out for a week, the first weekend in June. I look so forward to the day that we own a house and space to have everyone here at once. 

How am I doing; on my mission to become a full time blogger? ;) The thought of blogging consistently every couple days, is exhausting, not going to lie and I probably won't keep it up. Here I am, just being honest. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow; a blog filled with all things "Mother." 

Have a wonderful Saturday, all! 


Thursday, May 8, 2014

"And to a blog that came straight from my random-thought-filled-noggin."

Hey, Hi, SUP! 

Haaapppppppy Thursdaaayyyyyy! 

I've been wanting to blog lately, but have been putting it off like woah. I've just gotten the last of my supplies to finish the last couple of my kid's Mother's Day gifts and I grabbed a bottle of wine on my way home. After pouring myself a glass, I went to the bathroom and came out wearing lipstick. I don't know what over came me while I was in the loo, but there's something fantastic about this combo; wearing red lipstick and drinking a glass of wine. Have you ever done that; put on lipstick even when you know you're in for the night? It's making me think about the times I would clean my room in heels, back when I still lived at home. Through my door my mom would wonder what the heck was going on, why was I clomping around on my wood floor? in heels? and to add to it, my sweat pants. "Oh, it's just my inner trophy wife!" This is how I feel right now. And now I'm wondering why I no longer clean my house wearing heels. 

I give myself such a hard time. Whenever I feel like blogging, I think to myself that it's been forever and a day since that last time I've blogged and then I feel completely overwhelmed by the fact that it would take far too long to fill you in on my recent happenings so I just refrain from filling you up at all. 

I frequently day dream about having the life of a paid blogger and not actually having to spend 40 hours a week doing anything other than what I want, simply blogging about life and all it's glory and making money all at the same time. Can't I just travel the world? But keep my place and my cats and all my belongings? Joel could so easily up and travel the world, sell everything that he owns but his guitar and his inhaler. And his girlfriend. I'm not for sale. And I'm the one that keeps us grounded. Yes, I would love to travel the world but no, I can't sell all my belongings to do so. Nor do I currently have a job that lets me take time off as often as I please. Given, I've been lucky enough to have most of the times that I've requested off. I would imagine, no full time job wants to give anyone a month off to go travel the world and then work a handful of months and then go do it again. If you have any suggestions on how to keep my place, cats, pay for all of it and travel the world as I please and still make money while spending it, please let a girl know. Don't keep your secrets from me. Suggestions and advice on how to get there are welcome. 

On to the recent happenings of my life: I am a twenty six year old. 
Twenty six and it feels so good! I said this over my Birthday last year but I am right where I need to be. Right here. Smack dab in the center of 'closer to 30' greatness. I have always loved growing up and if you don't love growing up, you need to change your perspective. Be thankful. You continue to receive something great at your Birthday every year. The "Proceed this way" card. The 'double color and cross the bridge' card in Candy Land; not the 'Captain Gum Drop-- lose a turn' card. Don't get down about the fact that you are getting older! Appreciate the fact that you are blessed enough to have a Birthday every year. Not all are so lucky.  

Speaking of Birthdays, I have a new goal. Actually, I shouldn't say 'goal' because it's going to happen, mark my words. I'm going to spend my 27th Birthday in Ireland. in a pub. but not while drinking Guinness. I'm going to visit Trinity College in Dublin and be in heaven, surrounded by the largest library known to man kind and then I'm going to meet sweet new Irish friends that Joel and I will keep in contact with for the rest of our lives, especially until we move there someday. I'm going to visit Scotland and take amazing pictures of the brightest green cliffs that over look that gloomy sea that still manages to look beautiful. It's a sea over there, isn't it? I'm terrible at Geography and I'm not going to Google it. It's beside the point and you get the picture. To feed my forever obsession with it, I'm going to visit Stonehenge and Joel's going to propose to me inside it's sacredness. Kidding, but seriously. Kidding, but seriously. Kidding? Seriously.

I'm just being funny. dfffffffff <<<< that was from Oscar. I've come from fetching myself one more, small glass of vino and I've realized Oscar has sent his regards! I've also realized the time (8:06PM) and am currently thinking to myself that I wish it was Friday and that I may turn on Clublife and catch my second wind and head down to Denver for a night of grand company and possibly dance moves (Que "Selfie" by The Chainsmokers) But it's still Thursday and my mind has ventured off onto another day dream tangent and I'm being brought back to Earth by the fact that I have to work at 7Am tomorrow but it's okay because it's going to be Friday in a matter of hours. 

So, cheers and thumbs up to the weekend. And to a blog that came straight from my random-thought-filled-noggin.