Sunday, July 24, 2011

Falling in love and fast.

So, I survived my first weekend at the liquor store. And I have realized that it isn't as bad as I was told it was going to be and how I anticipated. I suppose I was only there from 9-1 on this lovely Sunday but those few hours were quite enjoyable. All the "Minnesotans" were very friendly, none rude whatsoever. I think people are just as nice and considerate as you are to them. I had a few comments on how my greeting was quite lovely to hear early in the morning and it's much better than the automatic "Welcome!" you get as you walk in our door. At Spirit Sellers, you get both! I have to say I loved smelling the tanning lotion on a lot of the ladies that came in. Makes me feel like summer :) ..even if I'm working. 

Working at the liquor store is a confidence boost. I can hear my mom say, "like you need one." Last night a guy came in, didn't really look at me as he made his way to the counter, eventually looked up from his money and yelled "Oh my god, I LOVE your hair!" Then he put his hands up to give me ten and I did of course, laughing. "your bangs are awesome! You goin to LumberJack Days tonight?"  I could not get enough of the fact that he was so jacked about life and partly my hair. As I left my shift this morning, I told my boss thanks so much for hiring me. Cheesy, I know. But I think I've done a great job at expressing to people how much I appreciate things they do for me these days. They appreciate it too, I'm sure. Working at the liquor store is so different, but in a good way, because at Kindercare I'm working with people, yes, but the same people year after year. Here, I am seeing and meeting new people constantly as well as seeing people I haven't seen in forever. Ah, I am falling in love and fast. This makes me actually think I could have a serving job someday. Maybe! I left work today with a bottle of wine? booze? I'm not even sure what it is. Cocoa Vino Mint. A marriage of milk chocolate, red wine, mint and cream. 
 Does that make your mouth water? I have a feeling that I'm going to be going home with lots of drinks/booze/beers I haven't tried. Thank you 10% discount ;) 

After my short morning shift today, I went to my girlfriend's baby shower. I love showers! Bridal showers, baby showers, Bachelorette parties- he he. Life is so great. Not going to lie, and I didn't admit it to anyone there, but I cannot wait for my turn. I mean, I can, but I can't, you know what I mean. I promise not to get baby crazy for a couple more years, or at least I'll try my best. I was definitely touching Jamie's belly way too much. Jamie eventually told me that that means I would become pregnant soon. I think she was just trying to weird me out and it worked, but I still rubbed her belly some more. I loved being around girls I'm not around all the time, or enough I should say. I love girlfriends. I need to try harder and see them more! Goal #1 for the rest of the summer! I've noticed in the last few nights, because I've been busy with my new job and just running around in general, that once I have makeup on, and am out, I have so much motivation. I have motivation inside yes, but that's to work out, read, clean. ha. Different kind of motivation. It's funny to me how introvert and extrovert I am. Can one be both? 

Okay, cheers to the most pointless blog ever !! 

 I love you. 

Move in countdown: 8 Days !!! 

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