Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I'm sitting here in my sweats, kitty on my lap and hoping to get a text from my director saying that I don't have to go into work today. Today would be the day that my uninsured self would get into an accident on the lovely, slippery roads down to Longmont. Along with the nasty weather we've gotten the last two days, I've acquired a nice stuffy, yet flowing nose and I'm blaming it on my two year olds. It's one of those where simply plugging it up with Kleenex is the only remedy and I'm obviously looking really good right now doing so.

Last week I called my brother on my drive home from work. I was very in the mood to chat, imagine that, and I was in search of some advice about my work situation. Being in childcare for about 6 consecutive years, I am wondering more and more how much longer I want to be in this profession. It somewhat stresses me out because, what the heck else would I do? I love kids and I think I would miss working with them every day but at the same time, I don't look forward to getting up each morning and going to work as I used to. I have absolutely no money to go back to school right now, or the mindset to do so. After an encouraging conversation with my brother, who is such an awesome business man and person, with really great work ethic, I was off to the library to check out the book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People." If you have not read this book, I highly advise you to do so. I knew it would be a goodie for many reasons, one being that I have previously heard of it and it was also on the book list on Pinterest entitled, "Books to Read in Your Twenties." After being determined to find the book myself last night and being successful, I sat on the cozy leather chair at the library right in front of the fireplace and watched the fluffy snow accumulate outside the window and soon was completely lost in the greatness. I then thought to myself how happy I am to live right across the street from the library, where I have books and books to get lost in if I please to do so. I even said to Joel the other night as we sat together on the couch, "Libraries are amazing and probably the best invention ever." or something along those lines. Joel's response was simply, "Yeah, if you're into that sort of thing." I get such a kick out of how different we are and how much we still adore each other. This book is also reason why I am crossing my fingers for a 'snow day.' I cannot put it down. 

This weekend was pure awesomeness. Aside from getting out of work late on Friday and anticipating being late to see OAR, our drive to Vail flew by, and we walked through the gates, I kid you not, seconds after OAR started playing their first song. On top of that greatness alone, a friend of mine from Minneapolis was in town for the weekend with friends on their spring break and had invited us to come celebrate at their condo, which was literally a hop, skip and a jump away from the stage that OAR was preforming on. What I had to share with all his friends and wonderful people that I met that night, was how we became friends in the first place. Believe it or not, it was bonding over our love for OAR in a random bar in Uptown about 3 years ago. Picture me yelling singing, loudly into my finger microphone to 'Crazy Game of Poker.' 

I laughed in the crowd as the lead singer commented on how it was cold there, and I overheard the guy next to me saying, "Cold? Where are you from?" It was perfect weather, and perfect temperature for being crowded in together, body to body, listening to such great music, that brings me back to previous years. I also found it entertaining, being in the bathroom with girls after the show, who had no idea who OAR was before the show started. Youngins! As the show ended, we ran into friends from Breck that we haven't seen since our move out here, and laughed at how perfect it was for us all to be in that exact spot at that moment, and literally run into each other as we did. Every day, we think to ourselves how life always works out the way it's supposed to and how great it is. I cannot say it enough.
Heaven, is where I was on Friday. 

Our drive home on Saturday, was amazing. If you have never made the drive from Vail back to where we live in Loveland, I don't even know how to describe it to you. I guess I should say, any drive near Vail, Breck, Frisco, that area. Both Joel and I felt not so wonderful due to our life celebration the night before, but it was almost like our bodies and/or minds were not allowing us to actually feel crappy, because it was so amazing outside and everything was so beautiful. If that even makes sense to you. If you've been there, you get it.


Blog recap: I did not take that job at the liquor store down from my work, because as I feared, refusing to work for 10 hours every Saturday, was sadly the deciding factor. Sadly, but I guess not sadly. There is no way. So here I am again, not so actively looking for a second job. Now, I might as well wait for this month to be over because, (drum roll) ....... my girlfriends will be here in 8 days to celebrate my birthday! Once again, I am reminded how time flies and that next week is almost here. The big 2-5, whoop whoop! I can see our first summer in Colorado flying by. I have already been here for almost 6 months! Crazyyyyy! 

The one, single thing bumming me out at this moment, is the fact that I am unable to meet the little bundle of awesomeness that my girlfriend brought into the world last week. 

But, here I am, thankful for technology, because without it, seeing her face would not be possible. Congrats to my love, Adrienne, for making one, adorable baby girl, Sloane. I cannot wait for the day to hold her.