Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cerveza porfavor.

This is the fourth full day of my Euro vacay and I for some sad reason, am struggling with blogging. Like I said before, I need to be in motivated-I-need-to-blog-now mode in order for a goodie but Joel and I have been telling ourselves we're going to wake up early tomorrow, every day, and catch up in the internet world. But it's soo amazing sleeping in and finally waking up in our king size bed when we sleep with our patio door open and the sun and breeze are there immediately to wake us. Can we just stay in bed forever? 

My first 8 hour flight to Paris was lovely, because I sat next to an American (sorry) who spoke English. Thank you, god. Let's be real, it was intimidating waiting for my flight being surrounded by terrorist looking people, none of which spoke English. Well, a few did. I sound  racist, I'm not, I just grew up with close to no diversity. I'm cool with it, and would be cooler with it if people were friendly and smiled once and awhile. Little did I know, this was nothing close to the unfriendliness I was about to encounter. The minis I bought at the liquor store were unnecessary because you get complimentary cocktails on international flights. I had 3 cups of wine, got a good buzz and the friendly guy, who sounded like and resembled my cousin's husband like crazy, moved and sat in the middle of the isle because those seats weren't taken. So I had some room to stretch and privacy, not to surf the internet, because we weren't over the US. So, Happy belated birthday, blog, I was unable to wish you a good one on the actual day. I listened to my Tiesto podcasts and watched movies that featured Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling and techno, yess pleaseeeee.

My layover in Paris was moderately awful, so much for being the city of love. I've heard the French aren't so fond of Americans so I had this master plan of not talking to anyone, so of course people had to talk to me. All friendliness drained from their faces once they learned I spoke no French. Dammit, stop talking to me. Rosetta Stone where you at? My gate was changed 3 different times, so I was a complete lost American, who despised having to ask anymore questions. Please just let me board my plane and get the F out of here. I don't have time for rude people. You all suck. 

I swear I was the only person on my flight from Paris to Malaga who spoke English, so I slept and pretended to sleep. It was absolutely amazing to see Joel smiling and holding a sign that said, "Kelsey Parr" with a nice big heart standing amongst all the other people holding signs not really knowing the people they were there to pick up. There's my first genuine smile in a short while, god that feels good.

Our days have consisted of being in the sun, drinking cervezas,mimosas, rum, vodka, and delicious coffee (okay, lots of drinking) and playing giant games of chess, checkers, mini golf and sweating like crazy in the sauna and hot tubs. The pools outside are way too cold to swim in comfortably but the sun is always shinning. It's been windy and a little chilly to just have your suit on. There aren't many young people here and a few of the bars and restaurants in our resort are closed because it's their off season. I can imagine how crazy it is here during different times of the year.We're basically the only young, loud ones who party. For the most part, it's been very relaxing. 

I learned that the love of my life, Tiesto is playing in the Netherlands on the 3rd, which would make my life if we could afford to go but that is just not going to happen. We are too far from there. My life could literally end the next day and I would still feel like I lived a very fulfilled life.That is love. Kidding, but seriously. Someday I will see him in Europe. It's on my to-do list. Tomorrow night we are going to a place called Dreamers. "Dreamer's Disco is known as the cathedral of house music and is one of the most popular clubs in the Marbella area" Perfect, why are we still standing here? I'm going to rage.

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