Saturday, May 28, 2011


Yesterday I started to feel this serious sense of relief. Right now, a little annoyed. Let me break it down for you. Last Sept. I moved in with a girlfriend of mine. A girlfriend that I differ from 100% but don't get me wrong we've always gotten along well- for the most part. Over time, we've just discovered that co-existing together is not working. I had been thinking about this annoying, frustrating conversation I was going to have to have with her for the last 4(ish) months. Well, that convo. happened Thursday night and yesterday (Friday) we decided she is moving out by this coming Thursday. Thursday I will be able to breathe again. It's unfortunate things happened this way but it did, life is crazy, and things needed to change. And her boyfriend, who is my boyfriend's friend, just walked out of her room and called me classy. If by classy you mean, things aren't working out with your girlfriend, yes, I am veryyy classy. It's okay. I'm not feeding into stupidity. I'm so excited for something different. And to have not one ounce of negativity or pessimism while I'm at my own home. YES!  All the big shit in our apartment is hers- couches, dinning room table and chairs. I find myself thinking, "I'd rather not have those things for a short while than have things be the way they have been the last couple months" Sometimes you just can't make it work even when you try hard to do so. And that's okay. 

I went for an hour long walk the other night with one of my girlfriends who I don't see all too often these days. Someone who used to be my best friend ever. It was so nice and so refreshing to talk and be outside. I have really started appreciating the relationships I still have with people. Especially when those relationships started years and years ago. I have done so much growing and changing and so have other people, that sometimes life goes in the complete opposite way that you expect it to. I find it so comforting when I get together with a girlfriend and I still feel such an awesome connection with them and still have the same appreciative feelings I had for them years ago. That is so important and I feel so lucky to still have them. 

Next week I'm going to feel a crazy amount of weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm going to do some deep cleaning and organizing once all her things are out. And I will have so much room to do activities! 


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