Friday, March 11, 2011

Mixed Feelings.

I have been a little preoccupied this week-- due to my amazing boyfriend returning home from Alaska on Wednesday. I don't think I've blogged since Tuesday but I received a very annoying letter in the mail today so I need to bitch for a second. Return address: Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles. That right there, pissed me off. As I mentioned in my first blog ever, I sadly, got a DUI almost two years ago. two years ago. (Don't ever get a DUI, it will ruin your life) The letter basically says that the department of motor vehicles has not received a report verifying my compliance with my driver safety plan- which you have to complete in order to get your license back. WHICH I COMPLETED BEFORE I RECEIVED THE LETTER SAYING I WAS ABLE TO GET MY LICENSE BACK. Did I mention it was almost two years ago? It's such BS. Unwanted stress that I do not want to deal with and will not be dealing with before I go to Florida in 5 days. That's the good news! I'm going to Florida. I was planning on blogging about my excitement for Florida, but this letter got to me before I had the chance to do that so I'm heated. 

But now, I'm thinking about Florida. And listening to the crazy wind outside and I'm getting so excited about it. A couple months ago, my cousin sent me an email asking if I had a spring break this year and if I wanted to go down to Florida with her family and another family to help out with the kids. three 3 year olds and Lili, who's about 3 months I think? So four chillins. Trip and lodging expenses on her. I thought to myself, stupid question! :) You should have just sent me an email saying, "Hey Kels, I'm flying you down to Florida for a week in March, just plan to take that week off!" Got the confirmation email on Wednesday. The only down fall, I'm pretty sure I'm sleeping with all the kids. It's okay, I plan on making a really sweet fort, and making myself my own room. I already have it planned out. Realistically, I will probably be up before them and it's not like I'll be needing privacy on the trip. Hey, I'll be in Florida! And I get to spend time with my cousin and her family who I don't see very often. And I have to mention that Ellie, her daughter, is probably one of the funnest three year olds I've ever met. And that's saying a lot for how many years I've worked in childcare. 

And! I'm very psyched because a mom from my work gave me The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest to read while I'm there. No doubt, I will most likely read both. I want to see both movies so I'm antsy. 

Joel says, "It's about time you get to go somewhere sweet and I'm the one sitting here missing you." Yeah, it is about time. Florida, here I come!


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