Tuesday, March 19, 2013

One Big Bowl of Lazy.

Yesterday was a weird day for me.
I, for some odd reason felt motivated to work out, which very rarely happens, as you know, and then I tried 3 different work out videos, that have seemed to hold my attention in the past, and then failed to complete them. Now, mind you, I finished the first one and  "fastest work out ever" because it was 4 minutes long and then failed at the second and third ones that were 10 and 15 minutes long. What is my issue? This is one good reason why I need to spend more time eating right and drinking water, because I cannot for the life of me find motivation to start working out consistently. This has always been an issue of mine and I have no idea how I went to school for personal training and saw myself motivating others when I can't even motivate myself. Then again, working out is addicting when you're in the routine, but if you're not, good luck getting yourself into that routine. I know that I would spend time at a gym if I had a membership, but I don't have money for a membership and unlike my last place, I actually have space to work out at home, believe it or not, those of you that have been here. It's small, but it works, so I might as well take advantage, I guess. If I have room to hula hoop, I definitely have space for a floor routine or work out DVD. Gosh, I can't wait to hula hoop outside and be a hippie this summer. 

Along with working out, I shaved one leg in the shower last night and actually contemplated getting out before doing the other. It must have been the "don't finish what you start trend" I had going. That is laziness if I ever saw it. Prime example of needing to eat more green food, food high in energy! See? I did learn a thing or two in my fitness and personal training classes back in 2006! Wow, that seems like a long time ago. I'm glad I love growing up and not despise it, like some.

I so badly wish I was that woman then set her alarm for the same time everyday, and at least 4 of those days during the week, did some kind of physical activity before showering and getting ready for work. Thank you, Pinterest for informing me of the best times during the day for waking up, eating breakfast, working out, eating meals, and winding down for bed. But, knowing me, I printed it off, contact papered it and made it look appealing to the eye, and now it's has been collecting dust on my desk and I haven't referenced it once. Such a hard habit to get into. I frequently think about, setting a goal for myself, and then rewarding myself with something if a month goes by that I've accomplished my goal, like buying myself something. Some new Spring and Summer clothes :) Then reality kicks in and I think to myself that I am too broke to buy myself something as a reward and that I would have to get a second job that I don't want to get and have been putting off and then if I got that job, I definitely wouldn't have time to work out at night and I would be far too tired to work out in the mornings before work. First world problems. I am getting nowhere. 

Speaking of Pinterest and things I have been having a hard time finishing, I am determined to finish a book I started weeks ago, but it's become a chore and I am to the point where I get annoyed, picturing it sitting in my car or on my nightstand, waiting for me to read it on my lunch break or before bed. It was on a list I found with all the other books that are great to read in your twenties.

It's been interesting reading about conjoined twins, but I think about how badly I don't want to finish it and then about this quote: 

.... and I'm done with it. 
On to the next book on the list and I'm crossing my fingers it's one I can actually get lost in. Pinterest doesn't usually fail me so I'm labeling that book as a fluke and hope for the best on the next one.
I take that back, Pinterest definitely failed at telling my girlfriend it was a good idea to line a painting tray with tin foil before filling with paint. You blew it, Pintetest, the foil came up every time we tried to get paint on the roller. Not impressed. 

Sitting here, I can tell that my terrible, terrible eating habits lately are seriously getting the best of me. I have a knot in my stomach and I ate not too long ago, and have a head ache, all right now. And you better believe it, I am back to getting head aches daily. I have for the last week and a half and that is literally, the only thing that has changed, my eating habits. I don't know why, but cake and cookies have looked all too delicious lately. I am not pregnant, don't even think it. 

On that note, tonight, I am going to look at blogs and focus on pictures like this:

and on trying to feel motivated to do physical activity later.


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