Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This morning, everyone kind of went their separate ways. My cousin and her family went for a good two hour bike ride and their friends, another couple with twins, went kayaking. It was time to seperate the 3 three year olds. They started getting at each others throats in the last two days. So, I decided I would take that time to go down to the beach, listen to my techno and possibly start the book that I told myself I was going to start and finish during my trip. I tried to start reading it two separate times, but my mind was in other places and I didn't understand anything I was reading. I realized I had read the whole prologue, and half of the first chapter and I had no idea what I had read. You know how that is. Which is so weird, I usually read anything and everything. So I got down to the beach nice and early, 10 AM and busted open The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which I have to say I'm somewhat let down about. Even by myself I couldn't get my mind off going to Tiesto on April first. Then again, I feel like that's the majority of what I think about everyday. I'm such a fanatic. Anyways, I'm super anxious to see the movie and then also, read The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest and The Girl who Played with Fire, and then see those movies. So I have high expectations, maybe that's where I'm going wrong. But like I said, I will read anything. So it shouldn't be hard for me to get into these. Maybe it's just my Florida mindset and I need to be back to my normal day to day routine to start reading like crazy again. I'm excited! :) I'm also excited to kiss my boyfriend! 

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