Saturday, February 26, 2011

I caved.

After discovering the blog world, reading and falling in love with other people's blogs, having conversations with myself about whether to start my own or not, as well as with the people in my every day life-- I have caved. I have realized people start blogs for many reasons: documenting a trip, starting a new chapter in life, or just because. I originally had planned on starting a blog for my trip to the Holy Land with my mom this coming June. But because of the mess going on in Egypt right now, our trip has fallen through. Until next May. Unfortunate. And I am left with no reason whatsoever to start this blog I've been anxiously awaiting for. Recently, after reading the blogs of people I know, I've been thinking to myself that I must have one! I thought to myself last night, how funny it would have been to start a blog a couple years ago, when my life was crazy funny and so much was going on. I call that time B.J.- before Joel. Not that my life isn't still crazy funny, but it is in completely different ways. Side note: Joel is my amazing boyfriend of about a year and a half. Anyways! why don't I give you a little rundown on why my life is completely different now than it was a couple years ago. Think you can handle it? 

Here it goes: A couple months after I turned 21, in July 2009 I made the horrible horrible decision is getting behind the wheel after a couple drinks. Maybe more than a couple. Long story short: I got pulled over, put in the back of a cop car, and carted off to the Woodbury Police Department. Little did I know that this very night had changed my life for the better. Over the course of the next few months, I went through I very hard time, what I think was definitely "rock bottom" in my life thus far. In and out of assessments, court, fighting people who badly wanted me in treatment-- treatment for "alcoholism" when I definitely wasn't an alcoholic. I just made the wrong decision. BUT it changed me. If you know me, I'm a great, very caring person, I get along with pretty much everyone, easily top 5 in the humor department ;) and I have about as much confidence and self esteem for it to be broken down, shared with the world and I still have enough for myself left over. This all changes, unfortunately, when I get a certain amount of drinks in me. So over time I've discovered that alcohol is just not something I mix well with- it's about the only thing, as I have a very adaptive personality. Too bad, but definitely not too bad. 

So! As common as is it is to say-- I am very thankful for everything I've gone through at this point in my life. Which brings me to a wonderful quote I came across the other day on someone's very inspiring blog ;) 

"I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing." -Agatha Christie 
I feel like I could go on and on, get you (whoever you are) up to speed on my life, so we are all on the same page. After that information overload-- information I dislike telling people, because it is not something anyone should be proud of, I feel that it changed me. For the better. And that is something I am proud of.  

As of now, I am hungry and should probably get out of bed, for it is 1pm. 

1 comment:

  1. Could this quote be from this girls blog? ;) So glad you joined in on the blog world fun- it's a blasty!
