Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Home Sweet Hudson

I can't believe I haven't taken the time to thoroughly fill you in on Joel and I making the move back home to the Midwest. I know I mentioned it briefly in my last post but went into no details whatsoever. Shame on me! 

If you are one of my close friends or family members, in the last week you've heard this story, perhaps a few times, so bare with me here. My Dad has been talking about retiring now for the last couple years, knowing when he was going to be able to do so. Both my parents are from small towns farther in Wisconsin. They are the only two, between both families that ventured away and made home in Hudson, Wisconsin, right on the border of Wisconsin and Minnesota, literally on the border, happily alongside the St. Croix River. Being the outspoken child that I am, I've always told my Mom and Dad, jokingly, but not really, to just give Joel and I the house. My mom always laughed and told us, "yeah right" while my Dad never said much, because the possibility wheels were turning. Recently, my Dad has said that he's been crunching some numbers and mentioned to us that once he retires, the house can be ours. No, they aren't giving us the house, we will be paying it off over time. Anyone who knows Joel and I, knows that our professions, are ones we aren't in for the money, by any means and that we can't save money to save our lives. Truthfully, we would be spending the rest of our lives saving money to buy a house. This way, my parents don't have to remodel and put time and money into changing things around the house in order to sell it (we plan to do some remodels at some point) and we don't have to go through all the time and stress one puts in through the process of buying. They will continue to get income from us to put towards anything new with their house, payments, whatever. I'm laughing because I don't even know buying and selling house terms and thank the sweet lord baby Jesus that honestly, I don't ever have to. This is one area that I will happily avoid during my years of 'becoming an adult.' Get out of jail free card? 

Being home and being surrounded by our friends and family, seeing the house that we plan to start our family in and it's amazing location, makes us want to speed up our life a little and that is a thought I'm telling myself to throw out the window, there's time. We walk around the house; inside, outside, the backyard, the front yard and talk about all our plans and then we just jump up and down like children hug and are so happy. We feel so blessed. 

Now, our move home won't be for another year and half, two years, so, Colorado friends, fellow employees and employers, don't fret. We'll make the most of our time together while we still have it. I know there will come a day when I will be driving down 94 and I will frantically look left and then right and see no mountains. I know the sunsets and sunrises won't compare, simply because there aren't mountains in front of them. I will appreciate our time out West and the oppurtunities it gave us as a couple to grow together and be thankful of our ability to move our life 17 hours away from all the people we love, to somewhat show us how blessed and appreciative we should be towards them. I've learned to drop the tendency to compare, but in all reality, there is no need to; the mountains are breathtaking and beautiful but they just don't compare to the love and closeness you feel from friends and family and the familiarity of home. I can't stop thinking about how happy I am that my kids get to have the childhood that I had, be close to the things that I was so lucky to be close to, and literally grow up inside the walls that I grew up in. 

My heart feels so full, you guys!  

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