I am hours away from my 23rd birthday and I am feeling the need to self-reflect. I have to say, if my life were the way I had planned it out to be when I was younger, I would be having babies right now. Which is coincidental because everyone and their mother is having babies right now. I love it, but it's just not my time. I'm going to throw out the age of 26, 27- then it will be my time. In all reality, who knows where life will take me. Maybe it will throw me this crazy curve ball and I'll be having babies sooner than expected. As fun as a mini-me would be, I can really only make about 3 things in the kitchen and I can't save my money for the life of me. And who knows, maybe I won't even be having babies by 26 or 27. Maybe I will be like Samantha from Sex and the City and be 50 and... I won't even say it. ;) I think I prefer option number one. Or maybe there's an option number 3? Or 4? I like options. I don't feel like I'm about to be 23. But then again, I don't feel like any specific age. I feel young, healthy :) I honestly feel like I am right where I should be. I am entering the "primo" years of life. I think I'm going to look back over these few years and say to myself, "that was when I was in my prime." Don't most people? I have done a lot of growing, changing, discovering and understanding myself this past year. I've moved out of my parents house and developed an awesome relationship with my mom, which I totally knew would be the case before it actually happened. I have had this amazing boyfriend who I am so blessed to have and am so lucky has put up with me and continues to everyday. Although, I am not that bad. I have gotten more comfortable with myself than I ever have been. I feel very real, you could say? I have discovered that I have a very hard time showing feelings for things, that I no longer have feelings for. Even if I want those feelings to be there. I have different thoughts, maybe a different sense of humor. But I am okay with that. I anticipate life's craziness and questions. I understand that people change, grow, have different thoughts and opinions. I understand that people grow apart. And a sad realization it is at times. But it's okay. I have always been one to embrace change with an open mind and serious excitement. There are things that I complain about. But who doesn't have those things? But occasionally you talk to someone, read something, watch something that makes you genuinely happy about where you are in your life. You feel this awesome sense of contentment. And it's silly that people need those things to actually realize that. why can't we just always know and reference that? Or you wake up one morning and you just feel different. I feel like I am very lucky to have everyone, and everything I am so blessed to have. And I feel so grateful that starting tomorrow, I have another very exciting 365 day adventure ahead of me.
Happy birthday to me and a happy one it's going to be!
I'm cheesy.
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