After checking Craigslist daily, submitting my resume' and references to a few posts, 3 interviews and 3 job offers, I have taken a job working for Goddard. Goddard is another childcare center around here that is very well known and has a way better name than KinderCare around here. I could not be more excited to start fresh and work for new management.
Yesterday was Goddard's Professional Development Day. But instead of an entire 8 hour day of sitting for boring trainings, they have a center wide staff meeting, break into lead teacher trainings, clean and organize their rooms, share ideas with co-teachers, and have time for conferences. I knew within the first few minutes of meeting my new co-workers, that this is just the change I need right now. And change is right! Instead of working with infants, like I have for the last almost two years, I'll be back to working with the older toddlers (20-24 months). I haven't worked with toddlers since I first started working for KinderCare almost five years ago. After being told that that room has had trouble keeping consistent teachers, I am ready for the challenge and so excited to introduce and work on potty training with my kiddos. My co-teacher and I in Twos a few years ago, had so much fun potty training our kids. There was never a dull moment.
When I first interviewed for the job, I was nervous, being told that lead teachers develop and teach their own curriculum on a week to week basis. This actually terrified me, since I've had all my curriculum laid out for me for the last five years. I figured, if it makes me nervous, it's probably good for my well-being all I can do is grow from the experience.
But, it was decided that I am strictly the 'assistant' teacher, which lifts a world of stress off my shoulders, not having the role of developing curriculum. Hallelujah! Yeah, yeah, I'm being somewhat of a baby about it, I know. It will be fun to throw in my ideas here and there and of course, help my co-teacher out every day. And what I think is my most favorite part, is that each month, yoga has to be incorporated into curriculum. How cool is that?
Two weeks ago, I was a mess sitting in front of my laptop typing up my notice. Not because I'm leaving Westgate, but because I'm leaving such an amazing company. (I'm thinking Wisconsin KinderCares mind you.) After typing up my notice, I typed a letter to my previous employers back in Wisconsin, thanking them for making my first experience with the company as wonderful as it was. I will continue to have the best thoughts about the company, because of where I came from, what they taught me, and how much I've grown and learned thanks to them. The next morning I called and talked to my assistant director back in Wisconsin, so I never ended up sending the letter, but I should probably do so, just so they hear once more how much I appreciate them, still to this day. I would be more than happy to work for the Hudson KinderCare again at some point in my life, if for some reason it brings me back to Wisconsin.
So tomorrow, I will be saying goodbye after almost five years. I'm feeling sad to leave my co-teacher and babies, yet so excited for this new adventure. Hello, to an even more gorgeous drive to work, better hours, experienced management, new co-workers and friends, and an entirely new group of babes to love on and challenge me!
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