I'm as happy as a cat in a garden. |
You know those Sundays, when everything is just so great? Sundays when you sleep in. and wake up to a heart filled ceiling that you honestly never want to deconstruct. Sundays filled with farmers markets, sun flowers and cucumber water in a mason jar that has the sweet name that we decided to name our baby someday. The Sundays filled with Dave Matthews. Sundays filled with cheap entertainment from our cats being psycho and excited over a box that Joel's sound system was shipped back to him in. The Sundays filled with meals containing food that you've grown in your own backyard and tasty meats off the grill courtesy of my awesome other half, who is my own personal chef. He continues to fill my tummy and my soul with greatness. Sundays more like most days lately, thinking about the day that Joel and I get to buy my parents house and start our own family there. Yep, couldn't hold it in anymore. Thanks, Mom and Dad for the great opportunity. The thought consumes our life lately. The Sundays that make you feel refreshed and ready for the work week. The Sundays where the weather can't really decide what it wants to do but you experience comfortable, breezy cloudy weather and then the sun comes out just in time to go down. Sundays chatting texting girlfriends about the excitement of seeing them in just a couple short weeks. Twelve days, beaches! Sundays you receive hilarious Snapchats. Gosh, Snapchat. Thanks, friends, for being so damn funny. The Sundays you're actually productive because you spent the entire day, cozy on the couch with your man yesterday, finishing the last two seasons of WEEDS and finishing where you left off in Dexter right after. "Time you enjoyed wasting (watching a great series), was not wasted." Sundays where you started your day with a warm mug of coffee and an enjoyable Skype session with your mother. Sundays filled with laundry. I love doing laundry. Sundays spent thinking about not just moving home, but having chickens in the back yard, giving us fresh eggs to devour on the regular. The Sundays you also spend eating an entire bag of dark chocolte covered raspberries between you and the one you love. Sundays filled with fresh air coming in through the windows instead of the hum of the AC unit. Sundays filled with the new Afrojack song, that I really want to dance with my girlfriends to.
It's one of those Sundays.
It's also going to be a Sunday filled with freshly washed bedding.
I love these those Sundays.
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