Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Greatest feeling in the world, to have high speed internet again! Hear my big sigh of satisfaction! Inconveniently, the day or two before Joel headed back to Minnesota, I saw a change in how responsive my internet was, or lack of response, I should say. As you all know, I despise calling Comcast or any other important company where I have to potentially sit on hold for 30 minutes and then try and understand someone who barely speaks English. Luckily, I am learning from Joel and calling Comcast has become less of a chore, because, I've learned to relax a bit and not get so annoyed or anxious on the phone. I thought to myself that I didn't want to call Comcast, that I could just put it off like I usually do, but holy moly, Joel is gone for a full month and what in the world am I going to do with myself? I don't have him here to accomplish this problem for me. Long story short, Comcast came and fixed the problem but it wasn't fixed. My laptop was swarming with viruses that were continuously getting worse because I wasn't aware of them. Thank goodness for a landlord that knows way too much about computers and who owns a computer repair store on the side. I was quick to bring it to her upon our realization and now I have it back within 24 hours. With Joel being gone for the past two weeks, and me being without internet, I have felt motivated to start working out again. I wonder how long this will last, especially now, since I have a wonderful working laptop again. I think I can, I think I can. 

I have been getting such a kick out of people's responses when I tell them that Joel is back in Minnesota until June. "Oh my gosh, you poor thing!" ...... "awwwe, I bet you want to go home too, don't you?" .... "I bet you get lonely!" Ummmm, for your information people, I am awesome by myself. I could forever be in my own company and I would be fine. I luckily, have the mentality, that if I am bored, which, that's rare, there is always something to clean. Or books to read, or there are a thousand blogs out there that I could get lost in. Or Pinterest is always a goodie, and don't forget Facebook. But, I have to say that I am proud of myself, because these last two weeks that I've been without internet, I have been strict with myself about eating right, packing myself healthy lunches to bring to work daily and I have even been... (drum roll) making chicken for myself that tastes almost as good as Joel's chicken, imagine that! For those of you who don't know, I am kitchen impaired 100% and Joel makes all of our meals, he does all the baking/cooking and he likes it. And I like it more. Who doesn't like getting dinner made for them every night? Even though I have been doing awesome co-existing all by myself, I always anxiously await his arrival home, along with the delicious dinner he usually cooks for me that night. 

A few weeks ago, I responded to a post on Craigslist about a once a week babysitting job for a single mom with a three year old girl. After those emails, we played a bit of phone tag and we eventually met at a coffee shop here in Loveland. After hitting it off with 24 year old mom, I decided to take the once a week job to help her out and let her have a bit of a life of her own, even if she couldn't afford to pay me what I usually make babysitting. I put myself in her position, being a single mother, and knowing how badly I still need "me" time, I felt like I needed to help her out. I know that eventually when I am a mother, I will be the same way. No matter what, spending time with myself is something I enjoy and need and I know that won't change even after I have littles. Also, while hanging out with her and her little girl, I noticed that her mini didn't know any of her colors. My two year olds know their colors and shapes and some letters and oh man, I just want to help this girl! 
Speaking of my two year olds, if you haven't seen my status on Facebook today, shout out to my monsters who are doing such an amazing job potty training. I left work today, high on life, feeling amazing and so proud of a couple of them who are staying dry the majority of the day and going potty, when they aren't doing so at home! Makes me feel fantastic! Hoping that I can be successful with my own children someday and also hoping they have a childcare provider like myself to encourage them while they're at school. 

Now, given, my work place is The Goddard school, where hella potty training goes on, but there have been plenty of times when I've accidentally referenced going to the bathroom, as "going potty" to other adults and the looks on their faces are priceless. 

Before Joel headed back to Minnesota for his month long tour, he told me about an oppurtunity that he had gotten in regards to a 17 year old guy from Lakewood, MN, who found out he had 6 months to a year to live after discovering he had cancer. Like Joel, he writes music and plays guitar. After learning he had such a short time left with his friends and family, he wrote a song, called, "Clouds" for them as a means of closure. Joel was asked to learn his song and preform it at his benefit back in Minnesota. Joel obviously was more than willing. 

This is Zach. I'm warning you, you will cry. 

Did you cry like a baby? I did. It just breaks my heart. Joel told me the other day that Zach is now very weak and was unable to be at his own benefit. I can't imagine what that would be like and I admire him for how he chose to look at life and live out his last days. Not knowing Zach personally, it's still going to be heart breaking to find out when he goes on. I'll have to mention to Kelsey that she needs to show him around up there. 

On a more uplifting, happy note....
Cheers, Minnesota!
It feels good to be moving Forward!

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