Saturday, March 9, 2013

"Be happiness itself." -Buddah

Gosh, it's my favorite time of the day, really. 
Good morning and happy Saturday, friends! The snow is coming down and the snowflakes are huge and once again, I have an entire Saturday to do as I please, as I feel and I have no obligations. I love when giant snowflakes come down and I don't have to leave the house. I can enjoy it's beauty from indoors with my smiley mug, full of coffee, in my hands. I said to our friend, Jasen this morning, that instead of cleaning the house and doing laundry today, possibly some rearranging as I had planned, I wanted to just sit in front of my laptop all day long and be cozy under blankets, possibly read my book. Oh, the simple things in life. Joel and his buddies are on their way to the hills today to do some skiing. Someday, I'll go along. Today is not that day.

As I sit and wait for my camera to charge, just so I can put up my pictures from my visit back to Wisconsin last weekend, I am just smiling to myself thinking about my friends, and that one beautiful, round belly. Every time I sit and think about it, I cannot believe one of my best friends is going to be a mom in just one short month, if not sooner. I got home and demanded to my best friend here that she needs to get pregnant, so I can continue to live vicariously through my friends having babies and not yet have to have one myself. Because lets be real, I work in childcare, and it's definitely not a job you are in for the money. Joel and I barely get by month to month, without a baby, but hey, we couldn't be happier! I want you to know, as I reread that sentence, that money is not the only reason we are baby free and will be for awhile. ;)

My time home was filled with hugs and happiness and overall an amazing sense of contentment, as it usually is. I just feel like life is so filled with love when I go home. There is no greater joy than seeing awesome people that you haven't seen for awhile. The reunion is always so great. Prior to going home, I felt overwhelmed at the fact that I had such a short time to see all the great people I wanted to see and on top of that, my brother and sister-in law were going to make the trip home, partly just to see me! :) Oh, happy day! I cannot wait for their visit out here. I did a grand job at balancing my time and bonding with everyone, I'll have you know.

My girlfriend's baby shower could not have been more perfect. A giant Thank You to a couple of my besties for putting so much money into it, I would have loved to help more than I was able to, but as we know, I'm the friend that never has money. ;) Speaking of being poor, every time I've gotten on an air plane since Bridesmaids has come out, I think of this scene and just smile as I find my seat:

and of course, when she's kicked out and comes back, oh my gosh, hilarious. That movie gets better and better every time I watch it. And if you get a chance, watch the bloopers, it's ten minutes of greatness. Here, why don't I just make it easy for you? 

Okay, Bridesmaids tangent!
My face hurts from enjoying that video so much. 
Anyways, as we finished putting together our first baby shower, we laughed because we had no idea it was going to be this soon, that we were setting up for an 'adult' party. We got a kick out of the fact that we've never had to set up food and drinks and games, for a party in the middle of a Saturday. But oh, man was it a success and Mommy-to be loved it just as much as we loved throwing such a wonderful party for her and her new mini-me. Ugh, I cannot wait to meet the little princess! 

After another heart warming, almost 4 hour visit to KinderCare back in Hudson, I just felt so lucky to have these amazing women in my life and my heart felt so full. You know the feeling. It's by far the best feeling in the world. To know that you could not be happier anywhere else at that given time. I caught some families at pick-up that I hadn't seen since before I left and it felt so great to inform everyone that I now, was back to working a job that I loved going to every day and that I feel 100% happier than I felt at the job I had when I first moved here. And of course, everyone was so happy to hear that I am happy again! Wew! And the kids, don't get me started on the kids, because it will just turn into another I love my job, and children tangent. Instant smile as I walked into the Pre-K room (full of all the kids I had in my toddler and two year old classrooms) and heard one of my boys yell, "Ms. Kelseyyy!" in his little Pre-K, boy voice. And then I was instantly mauled over and bombarded with hugs from a large majority of the class that dropped everything they were doing and came running towards me. Oh, what I would give to have gotten that on video! That is love right there. 

After visiting KinderCare, I also felt happy that I would shortly be returning home to a job that I enjoyed and I would be going back to an owner, director and assistant director, that I am happy to work for. My director is more sarcastic than I am. Is that even possible? So, good news, friends, I didn't cry this time, as Joel picked me up from the airport. High five!

During my time home, I was also able to enjoy an ever so delicious dinner made by the Kachel that influenced Joel to be so great and talented in the kitchen. Thank you, to Joel's dad, for dinner and for showing Joel that it's a great thing to make your other half dinner every night. Joel and I were actually joking the other day about when the time comes that we have kids and he's away on tour for months on end. "Looks like we aren't eating this month kids, dad's out of town. Make yourself some ramen!" It's funny how dependent I've become on him making me dinner. I consider myself pretty lucky at the same time. 

It feels so great to be in the presence of my family and Joel's. I feel lucky just to have families that are so close and so loving. I felt so content as I sat in front of the fire place with Joel's family crowding the basement couches, chairs and floor, just catching up and being together. So much love for them all! 

I could go on, but I'm cutting this off, only because I've just now written a novel and I should probably start cleaning my disasterous house. I have 6 loads of laundry and that's not including Joel's side. Cheers to being content in the present moment at all times! 

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