It's been another solid day and I'm giving all the credit to sweet, sweet Mother Nature. I am crossing my fingers and praying that it decides to stay. I should really just be happy that even though it snowed last weekend, it has completely melted and is now 65 degrees. We need the moisture so badly, but I selfishly want warm weather immediately. I suppose when I really think about it, I'm going to prefer bonfires to no bonfires while camping this summer so perhaps I should just be happy when and if we get snow next. Bring on the camping!
We would have loved to go camping this weekend (Joel's Birthday weekend) but he ended up having a show tonight and tomorrow and I decided to babysit. So, after church on Sunday (we'll see how it goes this time around) we may be taking off for Horsetooth Reservoir for some nature lovin. Take that how you want to.
Just this week, I walked into a liquor store down the road from my work and saw in huge black letters a "NOW HIRING" sign and thought to myself how perfect that is, since I haven't wanted to put in the work to get myself a second job, I've just been waiting for one to fall into my lap. ;) While chatting with the manager, a short, friendly little Asian man, I was straight up about what I was looking for and told him that I "still wanted time to play in the mountains this summer" so I wasn't looking to work like crazy, only 10 to 15 hours a week, since I am already working full time. This morning, he called me back. He said after talking to the owner, they thought I would be a good fit. He also was wondering if I would be willing to take all the hours of the girl that is leaving. Tuesday and Wednesday night 5:00-10:00 I am fine with, but the 1:00-11:00PM shift every Saturday. No. frickin. way. He seemed to be kind of taken aback by my straight forwardness when I said, I would be willing to work that every other Saturday and that I would definitely be happier not sacrificing every weekend just to make a little more doe. It's almost summer, guy, hello! Now, I have to figure out my next move if that's the deciding factor on me getting the job or not! Yikes, might be a toughy!
Earlier this week, my cousin and his family came into town. They had been spending their spring break driving all over, exploring and hiking in Montana and then here in Colorado. I said to Joel that someday, we will have space and money to house and feed a family of five when they are in the area, but right now that is just not possible. So, we spent our Tuesday night, visiting with them in their hotel hot tub and catching up. Last night we all crowded happily in our cozy little duplex for pizza and bonding, which are two things that my family does best; eating and talking. If too much pizza and Dove Chocolates existed, we had it. Like I've said before, it feels so wonderful to have my people here with us, experiencing and enjoying a chunk of our life here in Colorado. I was bummed to see them off but wished them safe travels back to Wisconsin. Not one of them was looking forward to their drive through Nebraska and I don't blame them.
This week I figured it was smart to ask for my time off for Durand (my families annual float party) since it's summer and I figured many would be requesting days off very soon. She kept me on my toes as she flipped through the time off binder and thought out-loud that that weekend was also Amy's wedding. You have no idea how nervous I felt and how I just couldn't put the words together to tell my director how important it was to me that I make it home that weekend. I exhaled deeply as she told me that it should be fine. And then I cheesed all the way back to my classroom.
Side note: my job is going so very well and I am still loving it.
I suppose you are wondering how my little Oscar is doing. Well, a week after his teeth pulling extravaganza, 30 teeth (!!!!!!!), I should say, he is doing great.
He is spending more time out and about and less time in the closet. He isn't eating dry cat food and he has actually lost weight, sadly. I took him in for a check up exam this morning and was told I need to, what I would think to be over feeding him until he gains the appropriate amount of weight back. He is now making up for lost time and is eating well but apparently not enough. So, here's where my second job comes in... I have to feed him at least 4 times a day. That means 4 cans of fancy feast. My god, is he an expensive cat. I just keep reminding myself that he's alive and making awesome progress every day, and the amount of money I've paid for him in the last couple weeks, isn't the most important thing to me. We go back from one more check up next week and I'm hoping for some weight gain. Cross your fingers, friends!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Wake up. Kick ass. Repeat.
I just found this and had to share it, and let's be real, I've already posted far too much on Facebook today for it to be my status! ;)
Raise your hand if you love social media! (hand raise)
Raise your hand if you love social media! (hand raise)
"Don't hang out with people who don't love you. Don't try to impress people who aren't worth it. Don't try to win people over who aren't worth it. Focus on yourself, and focus on the people who are really awesome and who love you. Don't hang out with people who make you feel like shit. Don't spend your energy on them."
One Big Bowl of Lazy.
Yesterday was a weird day for me.
I, for some odd reason felt motivated to work out, which very rarely happens, as you know, and then I tried 3 different work out videos, that have seemed to hold my attention in the past, and then failed to complete them. Now, mind you, I finished the first one and "fastest work out ever" because it was 4 minutes long and then failed at the second and third ones that were 10 and 15 minutes long. What is my issue? This is one good reason why I need to spend more time eating right and drinking water, because I cannot for the life of me find motivation to start working out consistently. This has always been an issue of mine and I have no idea how I went to school for personal training and saw myself motivating others when I can't even motivate myself. Then again, working out is addicting when you're in the routine, but if you're not, good luck getting yourself into that routine. I know that I would spend time at a gym if I had a membership, but I don't have money for a membership and unlike my last place, I actually have space to work out at home, believe it or not, those of you that have been here. It's small, but it works, so I might as well take advantage, I guess. If I have room to hula hoop, I definitely have space for a floor routine or work out DVD. Gosh, I can't wait to hula hoop outside and be a hippie this summer.
Along with working out, I shaved one leg in the shower last night and actually contemplated getting out before doing the other. It must have been the "don't finish what you start trend" I had going. That is laziness if I ever saw it. Prime example of needing to eat more green food, food high in energy! See? I did learn a thing or two in my fitness and personal training classes back in 2006! Wow, that seems like a long time ago. I'm glad I love growing up and not despise it, like some.
I so badly wish I was that woman then set her alarm for the same time everyday, and at least 4 of those days during the week, did some kind of physical activity before showering and getting ready for work. Thank you, Pinterest for informing me of the best times during the day for waking up, eating breakfast, working out, eating meals, and winding down for bed. But, knowing me, I printed it off, contact papered it and made it look appealing to the eye, and now it's has been collecting dust on my desk and I haven't referenced it once. Such a hard habit to get into. I frequently think about, setting a goal for myself, and then rewarding myself with something if a month goes by that I've accomplished my goal, like buying myself something. Some new Spring and Summer clothes :) Then reality kicks in and I think to myself that I am too broke to buy myself something as a reward and that I would have to get a second job that I don't want to get and have been putting off and then if I got that job, I definitely wouldn't have time to work out at night and I would be far too tired to work out in the mornings before work. First world problems. I am getting nowhere.
Speaking of Pinterest and things I have been having a hard time finishing, I am determined to finish a book I started weeks ago, but it's become a chore and I am to the point where I get annoyed, picturing it sitting in my car or on my nightstand, waiting for me to read it on my lunch break or before bed. It was on a list I found with all the other books that are great to read in your twenties.
It's been interesting reading about conjoined twins, but I think about how badly I don't want to finish it and then about this quote:
.... and I'm done with it.
On to the next book on the list and I'm crossing my fingers it's one I can actually get lost in. Pinterest doesn't usually fail me so I'm labeling that book as a fluke and hope for the best on the next one.
I take that back, Pinterest definitely failed at telling my girlfriend it was a good idea to line a painting tray with tin foil before filling with paint. You blew it, Pintetest, the foil came up every time we tried to get paint on the roller. Not impressed.
Sitting here, I can tell that my terrible, terrible eating habits lately are seriously getting the best of me. I have a knot in my stomach and I ate not too long ago, and have a head ache, all right now. And you better believe it, I am back to getting head aches daily. I have for the last week and a half and that is literally, the only thing that has changed, my eating habits. I don't know why, but cake and cookies have looked all too delicious lately. I am not pregnant, don't even think it.
On that note, tonight, I am going to look at blogs and focus on pictures like this:
and on trying to feel motivated to do physical activity later.
I, for some odd reason felt motivated to work out, which very rarely happens, as you know, and then I tried 3 different work out videos, that have seemed to hold my attention in the past, and then failed to complete them. Now, mind you, I finished the first one and "fastest work out ever" because it was 4 minutes long and then failed at the second and third ones that were 10 and 15 minutes long. What is my issue? This is one good reason why I need to spend more time eating right and drinking water, because I cannot for the life of me find motivation to start working out consistently. This has always been an issue of mine and I have no idea how I went to school for personal training and saw myself motivating others when I can't even motivate myself. Then again, working out is addicting when you're in the routine, but if you're not, good luck getting yourself into that routine. I know that I would spend time at a gym if I had a membership, but I don't have money for a membership and unlike my last place, I actually have space to work out at home, believe it or not, those of you that have been here. It's small, but it works, so I might as well take advantage, I guess. If I have room to hula hoop, I definitely have space for a floor routine or work out DVD. Gosh, I can't wait to hula hoop outside and be a hippie this summer.
Along with working out, I shaved one leg in the shower last night and actually contemplated getting out before doing the other. It must have been the "don't finish what you start trend" I had going. That is laziness if I ever saw it. Prime example of needing to eat more green food, food high in energy! See? I did learn a thing or two in my fitness and personal training classes back in 2006! Wow, that seems like a long time ago. I'm glad I love growing up and not despise it, like some.
I so badly wish I was that woman then set her alarm for the same time everyday, and at least 4 of those days during the week, did some kind of physical activity before showering and getting ready for work. Thank you, Pinterest for informing me of the best times during the day for waking up, eating breakfast, working out, eating meals, and winding down for bed. But, knowing me, I printed it off, contact papered it and made it look appealing to the eye, and now it's has been collecting dust on my desk and I haven't referenced it once. Such a hard habit to get into. I frequently think about, setting a goal for myself, and then rewarding myself with something if a month goes by that I've accomplished my goal, like buying myself something. Some new Spring and Summer clothes :) Then reality kicks in and I think to myself that I am too broke to buy myself something as a reward and that I would have to get a second job that I don't want to get and have been putting off and then if I got that job, I definitely wouldn't have time to work out at night and I would be far too tired to work out in the mornings before work. First world problems. I am getting nowhere.
Speaking of Pinterest and things I have been having a hard time finishing, I am determined to finish a book I started weeks ago, but it's become a chore and I am to the point where I get annoyed, picturing it sitting in my car or on my nightstand, waiting for me to read it on my lunch break or before bed. It was on a list I found with all the other books that are great to read in your twenties.
It's been interesting reading about conjoined twins, but I think about how badly I don't want to finish it and then about this quote:
.... and I'm done with it.
On to the next book on the list and I'm crossing my fingers it's one I can actually get lost in. Pinterest doesn't usually fail me so I'm labeling that book as a fluke and hope for the best on the next one.
I take that back, Pinterest definitely failed at telling my girlfriend it was a good idea to line a painting tray with tin foil before filling with paint. You blew it, Pintetest, the foil came up every time we tried to get paint on the roller. Not impressed.
Sitting here, I can tell that my terrible, terrible eating habits lately are seriously getting the best of me. I have a knot in my stomach and I ate not too long ago, and have a head ache, all right now. And you better believe it, I am back to getting head aches daily. I have for the last week and a half and that is literally, the only thing that has changed, my eating habits. I don't know why, but cake and cookies have looked all too delicious lately. I am not pregnant, don't even think it.
On that note, tonight, I am going to look at blogs and focus on pictures like this:
and on trying to feel motivated to do physical activity later.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Hello, Spring!
Oscar is doing amazing already. Just in the 3 nights that he has taken his antibiotics, he is acting different. He slept with me the entire night last night (in Olive's spot-- I wonder how she felt about that) and he don't remember the last time he's slept with me, not including this last weekend. I woke up, and he was energetic almost, compared to how he's been the last handful of months, and followed Olive and I around all morning as I got ready for work. This is pretty normal for Olive but it's rare that he leaves his hideout in the closet, so I immediately was all smiles this morning. Just now having been home from work for a couple hours, he's been out and about, still somewhat sketchy, but we're making progress. Although, I wonder, even when he is feeling better and is healthy again, if he will still spend a lot of his time in our closets out of habit. I am wondering how I can kind of train him to be social and sleep out on the couch or kitchen table like Olive does. Thinking I might have to hit up Barne's and Noble for a cat book or two... and then maybe a book or two for myself. Actually, bad idea. I am spending enough money on making him healthy again. Sheesh!
The weather today was amazing! Still is, I should say, and it's almost 6 PM. It was in the low 70's and it will be again tomorrow. Don't you dare snow now, Colorado! It is starting to feel like Spring more and more everyday.
The heat has been off for the last couple days and the windows have been open! I've been trying to distract Olive from Oscar getting his soft food by opening our huge windows for her. It definitely works. I was looking at my calender last night and read that March 20th is supposedly the "first day of Spring." Well, Spring has sprung already in my book. My drive home today was awesome. I got out on time, high five(!) and then took a back road home to avoid an accident on 287 that I luckily saw far enough in advance. My warm, sunny cruise home was not disrupted and I enjoyed a road I had never been on, which was the home to many cute little farm houses, and barns (if you remember, I'm a sucker for a big, awesome barn-- well, farm land in general) and many cows, horses, ponies and even llamas. It made me think of when I was younger, my cousins and I would ride our bikes along a short country road and their grandparent's llamas would run alongside us. They are such hilarious, stupid looking animals.
What else makes me so overjoyed at the moment, is thinking about my birthday weekend. It's been confirmed that two of my girlfriends will be flying in from Wisconsin and San Francisco and staying for a long weekend. And possibly two more from Wisconsin and the Chicago area. Ask me if I'm excited. Holy moly, am I excited!!! This may possibly be the best birthday yet, even though I say that every year. :)
This weekend, Joel and I are going to the Wild vs. Avalanche game with our friend's from Vail, who also grew up in Minnesota. I hear that Avalanche games are hella fun and the fact the I get to be sporting my Wild gear from back home, with fellow Minnesotans, makes me all that more excited. And it's at 1 PM--- dayyy drinkingg! There's a a good chance I might be hung over for St. Patty's Day this year.
The weather today was amazing! Still is, I should say, and it's almost 6 PM. It was in the low 70's and it will be again tomorrow. Don't you dare snow now, Colorado! It is starting to feel like Spring more and more everyday.
The heat has been off for the last couple days and the windows have been open! I've been trying to distract Olive from Oscar getting his soft food by opening our huge windows for her. It definitely works. I was looking at my calender last night and read that March 20th is supposedly the "first day of Spring." Well, Spring has sprung already in my book. My drive home today was awesome. I got out on time, high five(!) and then took a back road home to avoid an accident on 287 that I luckily saw far enough in advance. My warm, sunny cruise home was not disrupted and I enjoyed a road I had never been on, which was the home to many cute little farm houses, and barns (if you remember, I'm a sucker for a big, awesome barn-- well, farm land in general) and many cows, horses, ponies and even llamas. It made me think of when I was younger, my cousins and I would ride our bikes along a short country road and their grandparent's llamas would run alongside us. They are such hilarious, stupid looking animals.
![]() | ||||
bahaha. |
This weekend, Joel and I are going to the Wild vs. Avalanche game with our friend's from Vail, who also grew up in Minnesota. I hear that Avalanche games are hella fun and the fact the I get to be sporting my Wild gear from back home, with fellow Minnesotans, makes me all that more excited. And it's at 1 PM--- dayyy drinkingg! There's a a good chance I might be hung over for St. Patty's Day this year.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
I felt like a mother yesterday for the first time ever in my life, sitting in a private waiting/exam room at the Loveland Cat Clinic. Over the weekend, as I was enjoying my lazy, snowy day inside, drinking coffee and blogging as I usually do, I noticed Oscar, my cat child was acting a little weird. And by weird I mean cuddly. Since I've had Oscar, so for about two and half-ish years, he's always been shy and somewhat skittish. I somewhat just came to accept that he was just a different cat. I thought of myself as the mother with one very social, outgoing child, (Olive) and one not so outgoing and extremely shy child (Oscar). Hey, who knows, someday that may be accurate. Over the past few months, Oscar has become more and more lazy. He very rarely comes out of our closets to hang out with Joel and I and when Olive wants to play, he gets scared and runs away until she stops chasing him. Poor Olive just wants her brother back, the one that she came to know and love when she was a little six month old kitten. He has gotten more and more skinny and no longer looks fluffy and beautiful like he did the day we adopted him. I tried to keep up with brushing him and cutting out his little dread locks that have acquired over time but I could no longer keep up with them. He has always been a weirdo when it comes to eating too. He never eats straight from his bowl of food. He'll take out one or two pieces of dry cat food, put it on the floor, next to the bowl and eat it that way, very daintily.Which breaks my heart because yesterday I found out why he's been doing this. And he's been doing this for way too long. That night, I started looking online, reading about signs and symptoms of common cat illnesses and also found the clinic that I took him too and reading about the vet there, I knew that was where I wanted to take him. As I read, he became more and more snuggly. I thought to myself, "Please don't die tonight." Knowing that animals get that way right before they die and knowing that I would have to deal with it alone, because Joel was out of town in Breck visiting some friends. Oscar slept with me that night (which he hasn't done forever) and when I woke up in the morning, he was quick to jump back up on my bed and cuddle me some more. I knew after that night and morning, that it was definitely time to stop putting off bringing him in. He had every sign and symptom of Feline Leukemia to a 'T'.
After waiting for almost an hour, I kid you not, Joel and I joked about asking for a discount since we waited so long. But then quickly decided that was definitely not going to happen, because we felt so thankful and relieved by the end of our appointment. We high-fived after being told that Oscar tested negative for Feline Leukemia and FIV but were moderately heart broken when the vet told us that he has a very bad disease of the mouth and gums, I can't remember the name. But, we were told it's not contagious (thinking of Olive) and it's genetic. I just thought back to over a year ago, when he would eat weird and sometimes choke on his food and I then I feel even more horrible because I now know that he was uncomfortable and struggled with eating for this reason. It has gotten so bad, that almost all of his teeth need to be pulled. This explains why he has lost weight, and has an extreme case of dreadlocks; because it hurts him to eat and to bathe himself, pretty much do anything with his mouth.
Poor. Little. Man.
After being the most calm, collected little thing, and sitting so nicely through being shaved, we were sent home with antibiotics, pain medication, cans of recovery food packed with crazy amounts of nutrients, as well as ham flavored baby food, and are scheduled for his teeth pulling extravaganza next week. My heart broke and got all warm at the same time, as the vet shaved him and Oscar pulled her arm closer with his paw and then gave her a loving snuggle and head but to the shoulder as she finished removing all his mats. She said they were so matted, it was uncomfortable even for him to walk and thank goodness I didn't try and cut them myself because they were so close to the skin, I could have cut right into him and not have known. The uncomfortableness explains why he has pretty much been camped out in our closet and guest bedroom closet for the last however long.
We got home, gave Oscar his first round of pain medication and antibiotics and watched him eat more in one sitting than we've seen him eat since we've lived here in CO. And it might have been in my head, but his belly felt full and plump as ever, even after that first can of recovery soft food. Olive, I know, feels very left out, as I've been opening cans of food for Oscar, and spending time with him, cuddling him in between his bites, so I've let her lick the can and finish what he has refused to finish. I can't wait for Oscar to run away from her and chase her back once he feels better again.
Last night, I thought how thankful I felt that Joel didn't have a show and was able to go with me to the clinic. We talked about how weird it would be, to have a child, instead of a kitty sitting with us in the waiting room as we waited for the doctor. No thank you, we aren't ready for that one just yet. I feel so happy and relieved that we don't have to put him down and reassured that Oscar will make a full recovery and once again, be a normal cat.
After waiting for almost an hour, I kid you not, Joel and I joked about asking for a discount since we waited so long. But then quickly decided that was definitely not going to happen, because we felt so thankful and relieved by the end of our appointment. We high-fived after being told that Oscar tested negative for Feline Leukemia and FIV but were moderately heart broken when the vet told us that he has a very bad disease of the mouth and gums, I can't remember the name. But, we were told it's not contagious (thinking of Olive) and it's genetic. I just thought back to over a year ago, when he would eat weird and sometimes choke on his food and I then I feel even more horrible because I now know that he was uncomfortable and struggled with eating for this reason. It has gotten so bad, that almost all of his teeth need to be pulled. This explains why he has lost weight, and has an extreme case of dreadlocks; because it hurts him to eat and to bathe himself, pretty much do anything with his mouth.
Poor. Little. Man.
After being the most calm, collected little thing, and sitting so nicely through being shaved, we were sent home with antibiotics, pain medication, cans of recovery food packed with crazy amounts of nutrients, as well as ham flavored baby food, and are scheduled for his teeth pulling extravaganza next week. My heart broke and got all warm at the same time, as the vet shaved him and Oscar pulled her arm closer with his paw and then gave her a loving snuggle and head but to the shoulder as she finished removing all his mats. She said they were so matted, it was uncomfortable even for him to walk and thank goodness I didn't try and cut them myself because they were so close to the skin, I could have cut right into him and not have known. The uncomfortableness explains why he has pretty much been camped out in our closet and guest bedroom closet for the last however long.
We got home, gave Oscar his first round of pain medication and antibiotics and watched him eat more in one sitting than we've seen him eat since we've lived here in CO. And it might have been in my head, but his belly felt full and plump as ever, even after that first can of recovery soft food. Olive, I know, feels very left out, as I've been opening cans of food for Oscar, and spending time with him, cuddling him in between his bites, so I've let her lick the can and finish what he has refused to finish. I can't wait for Oscar to run away from her and chase her back once he feels better again.
Last night, I thought how thankful I felt that Joel didn't have a show and was able to go with me to the clinic. We talked about how weird it would be, to have a child, instead of a kitty sitting with us in the waiting room as we waited for the doctor. No thank you, we aren't ready for that one just yet. I feel so happy and relieved that we don't have to put him down and reassured that Oscar will make a full recovery and once again, be a normal cat.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
"Be happiness itself." -Buddah
Gosh, it's my favorite time of the day, really.
Good morning and happy Saturday, friends! The snow is coming down and the snowflakes are huge and once again, I have an entire Saturday to do as I please, as I feel and I have no obligations. I love when giant snowflakes come down and I don't have to leave the house. I can enjoy it's beauty from indoors with my smiley mug, full of coffee, in my hands. I said to our friend, Jasen this morning, that instead of cleaning the house and doing laundry today, possibly some rearranging as I had planned, I wanted to just sit in front of my laptop all day long and be cozy under blankets, possibly read my book. Oh, the simple things in life. Joel and his buddies are on their way to the hills today to do some skiing. Someday, I'll go along. Today is not that day.
As I sit and wait for my camera to charge, just so I can put up my pictures from my visit back to Wisconsin last weekend, I am just smiling to myself thinking about my friends, and that one beautiful, round belly. Every time I sit and think about it, I cannot believe one of my best friends is going to be a mom in just one short month, if not sooner. I got home and demanded to my best friend here that she needs to get pregnant, so I can continue to live vicariously through my friends having babies and not yet have to have one myself. Because lets be real, I work in childcare, and it's definitely not a job you are in for the money. Joel and I barely get by month to month, without a baby, but hey, we couldn't be happier! I want you to know, as I reread that sentence, that money is not the only reason we are baby free and will be for awhile. ;)
My time home was filled with hugs and happiness and overall an amazing sense of contentment, as it usually is. I just feel like life is so filled with love when I go home. There is no greater joy than seeing awesome people that you haven't seen for awhile. The reunion is always so great. Prior to going home, I felt overwhelmed at the fact that I had such a short time to see all the great people I wanted to see and on top of that, my brother and sister-in law were going to make the trip home, partly just to see me! :) Oh, happy day! I cannot wait for their visit out here. I did a grand job at balancing my time and bonding with everyone, I'll have you know.
My girlfriend's baby shower could not have been more perfect. A giant Thank You to a couple of my besties for putting so much money into it, I would have loved to help more than I was able to, but as we know, I'm the friend that never has money. ;) Speaking of being poor, every time I've gotten on an air plane since Bridesmaids has come out, I think of this scene and just smile as I find my seat:
and of course, when she's kicked out and comes back, oh my gosh, hilarious. That movie gets better and better every time I watch it. And if you get a chance, watch the bloopers, it's ten minutes of greatness. Here, why don't I just make it easy for you?
Okay, Bridesmaids tangent!
My face hurts from enjoying that video so much.
Anyways, as we finished putting together our first baby shower, we laughed because we had no idea it was going to be this soon, that we were setting up for an 'adult' party. We got a kick out of the fact that we've never had to set up food and drinks and games, for a party in the middle of a Saturday. But oh, man was it a success and Mommy-to be loved it just as much as we loved throwing such a wonderful party for her and her new mini-me. Ugh, I cannot wait to meet the little princess!
After another heart warming, almost 4 hour visit to KinderCare back in Hudson, I just felt so lucky to have these amazing women in my life and my heart felt so full. You know the feeling. It's by far the best feeling in the world. To know that you could not be happier anywhere else at that given time. I caught some families at pick-up that I hadn't seen since before I left and it felt so great to inform everyone that I now, was back to working a job that I loved going to every day and that I feel 100% happier than I felt at the job I had when I first moved here. And of course, everyone was so happy to hear that I am happy again! Wew! And the kids, don't get me started on the kids, because it will just turn into another I love my job, and children tangent. Instant smile as I walked into the Pre-K room (full of all the kids I had in my toddler and two year old classrooms) and heard one of my boys yell, "Ms. Kelseyyy!" in his little Pre-K, boy voice. And then I was instantly mauled over and bombarded with hugs from a large majority of the class that dropped everything they were doing and came running towards me. Oh, what I would give to have gotten that on video! That is love right there.
After visiting KinderCare, I also felt happy that I would shortly be returning home to a job that I enjoyed and I would be going back to an owner, director and assistant director, that I am happy to work for. My director is more sarcastic than I am. Is that even possible? So, good news, friends, I didn't cry this time, as Joel picked me up from the airport. High five!
During my time home, I was also able to enjoy an ever so delicious dinner made by the Kachel that influenced Joel to be so great and talented in the kitchen. Thank you, to Joel's dad, for dinner and for showing Joel that it's a great thing to make your other half dinner every night. Joel and I were actually joking the other day about when the time comes that we have kids and he's away on tour for months on end. "Looks like we aren't eating this month kids, dad's out of town. Make yourself some ramen!" It's funny how dependent I've become on him making me dinner. I consider myself pretty lucky at the same time.
It feels so great to be in the presence of my family and Joel's. I feel lucky just to have families that are so close and so loving. I felt so content as I sat in front of the fire place with Joel's family crowding the basement couches, chairs and floor, just catching up and being together. So much love for them all!
I could go on, but I'm cutting this off, only because I've just now written a novel and I should probably start cleaning my disasterous house. I have 6 loads of laundry and that's not including Joel's side. Cheers to being content in the present moment at all times!
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