I'm feeling blahhh...
I slept about 6 hours last night, when I need a good solid 8 to be functioning to my potential, and I sat alllllllll day long at a training for work, when I am used to tearing it up on my feet all day chasing one year olds. I hate to say it, but I literally feel like 8 hours of my day was wasted at this training. Sorry, bosses who I'm friends with on Facebook. And that may even be because I got little sleep and was basically a zombie through out the whole day but this training, I took nothing back with me, unfortunately. Although, I love a good training on PMA (positive mental attitude) because I wrote the book on a positive mental attitude. I could have given the training myself, I think. I wonder every time why others need training on thinking positively.
While chatting with ladies I work with today, which we usually do more of than focus on the presentations, I started thinking about the fact that I might not want to be in childcare for much longer. I know I would really miss working with kids, as well as everyone I work with. How often does one get to say that they get along very well with almost every single person they spend 40 hours a week with? Especially, when there is not one male that works in our center. You can imagine the amounts of chocolate and hormones one week every month. I guess, constantly, what am I saying? If ever I decide to venture away from childcare, I will become a flight attendant. I think of the beginning of Blow when Johnny Depp is explaining that every female has the same occupation. "I'm a stewardess.. yeah, up there" Oh, how I would love to live in the 70's and be a flight attendant. Although, flight attendant attire these days are by no means as cute as they used to be. I might look awful. I have a short torso.
Change, are you near?
The last few times I've been on a plane, I've had bitchy old ladies, who are like 70 and hate their job and make me feel like an asshole just cause I want more water to drink. Excuse me? You work in costumer service, if you hate your job, don't be here. You're supposed to make my stay on this plane enjoyable. That right there, is motivation for me to be the cute, young, nice to everyone flight attendant. The flight attendants on the plane I'll be on on Sunday, better have their A game or I might just have to quit at Kindercare upon my arrival home. Kidding.
Euro adventure (with the boyfriend- Ahhhh :)) countdown: 6 days !!
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