Side note: I love the Packers. For some reason, I have fallen in love and hard. Never have I ever thought I would care what's going on in the football world or ask Santa for a Packer's jersey for Christmas. Maybe it's because of this hottie..
Ugh, marryy mee!!
Maybe it's a good thing Joel and I aren't together right now, I gotta keep my options open Soo it's the new year. I used to make New Year's Resolutions but this year I didn't necessarily because my thoughts are this: if you have something you want to change or a goal you want to meet, do it. Don't wait. Although, I know the new year, new beginning thing is appealing, I get that. With all this talk of resolutions, I've thought of things I'd like to work on or change myself.
1. I will listen better. All too often I'm on my phone texting or in a conversation and I zone out and then realize I have no idea what the other person just said. I will put my phone down. I will listen with undivided attention.
2. I will stop binge eating after 8 pm. This is especially difficult when I work my second job at the liquor store until 9pm, don't bring anything to eat during my shift, and get home, eat everything in my fridge and then fall sleep. Ahh how awesome it is to do this but how terrible it is for you.
3. I will work on my phone skills/get in touch with friends who live far away from me. I hate talking on the phone. I get super anxious, I pace around, I can't just sit and talk and I get awkward. I am not an awkward person. What the heck gives? I need to mentally prepare myself for a phone conversation and as funny as you may think that is, it's not
4. I will start reading again. For reason, I haven't been able to read. I've tried. Maybe I just haven't found the right book but this usually isn't the case for me. I can read anything and everything. I am starting to see a difference in conversations with people. I am sounding a little uneducated these days. yiiiikes. You have any fantastic books, you holler at ya guuurl.
Alright, that's enough. Happy Sunday!
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