Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Take that! Head ache.

I almost blogged from the bathtub just now. Decided not to, only because my main intention was the relax in the bath. I got home from work with a major head ache, popped some ibuprofen, lit a candle, ran a bath, and put on some Norah Jones Pandora. Ahh what those few things will do. Not going to lie, I still have a faint head ache, but I'm blaming that on the time of the month. What was also relaxing and somewhat funny, is that my cats have to be at my side even when I'm soaking in the tub. I felt the need to take a picture and post it on facebook. Olive was even at one point sticking her paw in, or just straight up drinking from the bath. I laughed until I realized that I put bath salts and oil in my bath- that cannot be good for a kittie's insides. Over the past few months, since Hanna's moved out, the cats of been very lovey and needy. I know they missed her at first. Maybe they still do, although Joel is around also and he gives and gives attention to them. He even treats them with Fancy Feast. Olive has also been enjoying my showers. She will sit between the curtain and the clear liner the entire time. Occasionally swatting at the water that trickles down, standing on her hind legs so tall I feel like she'll fall into the shower. That will teach her. I'm waiting for the day :) Up until Olive and Oscar, I've never really understood how needy and annoying (depending on the time of morning) cats are before you get out of bed each morning. Oscar isn't so bad, but Olive walks all over my body like my brother used to drive his little toy trucks all over my mom as she would nap on the couch in our living room. That was cute, this is just annoying. I can only imagine how in-my-face I will feel like they are once we move in 3 weeks !! That was definitely bold worthy. I say that because we have so much space compared to what we will have living in a studio apartment. But, my mom says they will adapt., cats always do. She's probably right. Mother's usually are. 

I'm feeling a thousand times better after my relaxing time in the bath. You know my day was frustrating when I went home and immediately got the bath necessities together at 5pm and jumped right in. I think the high point of my day was when one of my two year olds yelled, "YEAHH BUDDAY" after I did, as I was cutting the jello jigglers we made this morning. I love my job. 


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