Friday, April 15, 2011

Nyquil night.

Tonight was going to be so much fun. And here I go getting sick again. You'd think being around kids all the time would make me completely immune to illnesses in general. Not the case. And I wash my hands like a natzi. What gives? I actually started feeling a sore throat coming on two days ago but told myself I was going to be over it by tonight. Sore throat + stuffy, runny nose= no Epic :(:( and sad faces. BUT the sunny side is, tomorrow is SIM (Sound in Motion)'s 50th birthday party at the Lounge. I've never been to the lounge! But I do love all the shows that SIM puts on soooo it can't be lame. Right? and Kristin is in town from Eau Claire and I haven't spent qt with her in far too long. 

So I just had some delicious cinnamon and spice oatmeal (perfect oatmeal weather-- not that I like that) and tonight I plan to drink lots of tea, take down some nyquil, cuddle with my tittin, most likely take a bath, run to get some more orange juice and medicine. Probably not in that order. I'll probably do lots of reading also. Oh! Side note: the book I started in Florida, in March-- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.. I cannot get into it. I am so frustrated. I keep trying so hard and I am seriously struggling. I have actually started and finished one book and am in the middle of another all while I should be focusing on that dang book. I am loosing my patience. I've never had to try so hard with a book. I don't know what to do. Maybe force myself to read that tonight. I hear it is so good once you get into it. Anyways, nyquil.. the reliever of all colds. I hope I go to bed at like 9 tonight. And I'm going to sleep in and wake up feeling like a million bucks! How's that for optimism? :)

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