I have a new obsession. And it's my new tittin. Everyone that I've told this to thinks I'm crazy and responds with, "Didn't you just get two?" Well yes, but clearly those are the people that have not heard that I unfortunately lost one of those kittens. She was the runt and wasn't 100% healthy- very sad yes, but all dogs cats go to heaven. I've been on a serious kitten hunt since. Olive (the remaining princess) has gotten super naughty and terrorizes everything and clearly is just bored out of her mind. But I don't want to do the whole kitten thing again. I just wanted one that was 4-7 months, around Olive's age (6 months) preferably had their shots, was fixed, female, yadda yadda yadda. So this weekend, Joel and I were out and about in Woodbury, shopping and running errands. We stopped into Petco? or Petsmart? (I actually don't even know) To get fish food-- not even thinking they have animals to adopt. Anyways, we walked to the adoption area and I immediately fell in love with this ball of fur sitting in front of me. Sign read, "Name: Fuzzy was clearly given to him by a 3 year old. 6 month old male. Had shots. Been neutered. Loving with people. Loving with other cats." and so on. Match made in heaven? Why don't you have a home? Oh, my goodness, this is perfect. I asked to hold him and he just nuzzled up against my neck and was such a lover right off the bat. We were told that he had already been looked at that morning and that if we wanted to get him, we should then and there. Stressful. I have other shopping to do. Do I even want to shop anymore? I think I'm in love. We were told that him and his brother were fostered for awhile and his brother was just recently adopted and taken from him. Sounds to me like our situation. Only less sad, Vino was not adopted. My thoughts were, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. We can go do our other things and come back, if he's here, we'll take him home with us. Little did I know, I could only be away from Petco (?) for 15 minutes before I realized I couldn't stop thinking about anything else but him and had to go back and get this wonderful kitten. So we got him! And here he is! Look at this little tiger.

His name is Oscar.
I love him even more now that I've gotten him home, because his personality is hilarious. I somewhat thought he had one like Olive's when we first took him out of his cage- super friendly, cuddles. Olive, of course has been a brat and started hissing the second we got him in the door. Now mind you, she's had all of our attention for the last couple weeks. Princess Olive, ridiculous amounts of love. And we bring home a male. cat. that she is unfamiliar with. she needs to show him who's boss. And she does. She'll literally go out of her way, walk up to him, hiss and walk away. He is cool with it either way. He just backs down and tries to smell her/play with her again later. To me, they are typical male and female. She needs her power trip and he lets her. No way Oscar will let Olive ruin his day or his new home. They'll be cuddling in no time.
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