My blog is boring- just a thought. The day I started my blog, I had absolutely no idea how to make my background cute and personalized and "me" and I still don't. And it can't be hard. Caitlin, I need your help. ;) Side note, you are very inspiring. You make me wish I blogged every day like you do. When I get back from Florida, we need to get together- catch up and you can give me a little blog lesson. And I have no idea how to comment on your blog and it stresses me out!
Today is my last day in Florida. Day 6! For the most part, I haven't done much but lay in the sun! Hey, that's okay with me. I was actually nervous to lay in the sun one day.. but the redness went away and now I'm tan :) I feel so lucky I have to skin that I do. I'm pink for a few hours and then BAM olive, tan! We had talked about going to Disney World today but decided not to with a 3 month old who has gotten sick over the last day and was very not content with anything yesterday, which is so not like her. I'm one of the few that did not actually catch the bug Elle (the 3 year old) brought down to Florida. I got a sliver on the bottom of my foot walking on the beach yesterday and thought I got it out, late last night I realized I didn't and now it hurts from putzing with it. Got half out but it definitely wouldn't be fun to walk around with all day. AND Disney World is crazy expensive.. $87 per adult and believe it or not, I've done an awesome job at spending as little money as possible on this trip. I'll just take my kids someday. When I'm super successful and have money to throw around ;) So I think today will consist of one more day of laying in the sun. My life is tough. My flight home tomorrow is around 1:00 I think and I get back to Mpls at 3:55? I am so excited to see Joel! And spend time with my girlfriends this weekend! Joel will be in the studio recording this weekend-- how exciting! So I get one day with him for now, because I refuse to miss yoga on Thursday. I haven't been there for weeks, I feel like a seriously failure in that department right now.
Ugh- and one more thought I haven't opened The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo once this week. For some reason I have have absolutely no desire to read. So unlike me. Time to get back to my routine if you ask me!
Thank you!:) Your blog is great! But yes, lets just get together because it would be fun! Hope your trip went well. Im jealous you were in warm weather!