This morning, my dearest Mother nominated me to do the Gratitude Challenge. You know, you've seen posts on Facebook about it, don't act like you haven't. Can't we all just take some time to voice what we're grateful for?
My immediate response was, "Three things a day? There are way more than three things a day." So instead of changing up my status on Facebook daily, I'm choosing to just make it one, nice, grateful blog and call it good; better than good.
I figured I would make notes, daily, and then on the fifth day write a blog. But, since it's Sunday and I literally cleaned my entire place yesterday, top to bottom, washed all the floors, did all the laundry, I have a few hours to acknowledge some things that I have even come across this morning that I am grateful for. At the end of the week, you better count on me writing about the other things I feel grateful for.
So, like I just said, I cleaned all day yesterday and after drinking my coffee, eating breakfast and chatting with my Mom, I felt motivated to organize a bit. In my world, there are always things to clean and organize, thanks to my Mom. This cleaning gene is sometimes a problem. ;)
I came into our guest room and started to go through some things. I love throwing things away. The feeling of getting rid of clutter and making room for things that I actually use and find beautiful is a great feeling to me. One thing that I feel the need to keep, you're going to laugh, because cards are one thing that people often do throw away. Cards! Yes, cards! As many of you know, I'm a sucker for inspiring words and people's ability to show love and appreciation for others. This brings me to the first thing that I am grateful for on this Sunday.
1. I am grateful for people who have shown me appreciation for my work and care for their children in my life. I came across cards from my Director, Co-Workers and parents that were written to me the week before I left KinderCare back in Wisconsin, before moving to Colorado. My director wrote, "Kelsey, thank you for being a part of my team. You are so creative, organized, caring and have a great sense of humor and positive attitude. I appreciate all of your hard work, your ability to get along with everyone and all that you bring to the center. We are all so lucky to work with you." The end of one of the cards from one of my infant parents says, "Those kids and families in Colorado don't know how extremely lucky they are to have you. You will be truly missed." I came across the card that all my Co-Workers wrote in and I laughed out loud and you can bet that I got tears in my eyes too. One Co-Worker and friend wrote, "Thank you for being such an inspiring Co-Worker and for all of the help you've done for my teaching abilities. You have taught me a whole new side of positive attitude and living your life to it's fullest potential." How did I seriously get this lucky, to work with such amazing women in my life?
Of course, going through things I came across a trillion and one pictures of Joel and I. And now I'm just thinking about how I never print out pictures anymore and that I probably should.
2. I am grateful for Joel's ability to have such a big heart and not be embarrassed to show his love. From his random post-it notes that I felt the need to keep (because I throw everything away, right?) to all the Birthday, Christmas, Missing you and 'just because' cards he's written to me through the years. If I was asked to explain to you the love I feel for Joel and the love we share towards each other, I don't even know if I could. There are no words. Alright, I'm getting sappy.
"Lust may ebb and flow, but the friendship and gratitude never should." |
I love our life together. Thanks for... just everything.
There are a million others things I am grateful for in this moment, on this day, but I'll refrain and I should probably go take a shower anyways. The last thing is:
3. I am grateful for our abilities to change as people; to grow over time. Even in the last two years of living in Colorado, I see changes in the person that I've become and am becoming. I find my tastes in style, decorating, music, even my taste buds have done some evolving. I like squash now, you guys! I told my mom this morning that I wish she would have kept everything that I told her I didn't like over the years, or that I thought was ugly, because I probably like it now. I find it so interesting. Oh, life, how you continue to amaze me.
Hang tight and by the end of the week, I'll have plenty more things to say, I always do. ;)
Now, why don't you go ahead and acknowledge all the things that you are grateful for. It will make you feel amazing. I know I'm feeling pretty stellar right now, that's for sure.