Saturday, March 1, 2014

Work Hard and be Nice to People.

Good Morning, friends! 

Bright eyed and bushy tailed right at 5:56 this morning! Standard. I told Joel at about 8:00 last night, "I'm not old but it's 8PM on a Friday and I'm exhausted and seriously contemplating bedtime." I'm not embarrassed.
It has been a wonderful couple weeks at work. Last week, on Monday we had our "teacher in service" day, where we had a staff meeting, the assistants got to clean and the lead teachers finished up lesson plans and had parent-teacher conferences. In the past, conferences have intimidated me like woah, but I've taught myself over the years to build that great rapport and friendship with my parents long before it's even time for conferences. All went incredibly well and I heard from most how awesome it is for them to have a teacher that is so passionate about what they do, as well as love and enjoy their children very much. I would honestly hang out with my entire class outside of school, so those statements were accurate. I'm learning that the desired 15 minute time frame that we are supposed to limit it to, is not enough time for me to talk about the great little people they are all turning into. One of my girls started in my room just a couple weeks ago, so her mom wanted a conference, more so just to learn what I'm all about. She made me feel amazing when she told me that she's always really liked me and my energy and she's been anxiously awaiting her daughter's transition into my room.

This week, we had our unexpected, annual QA visit. Quality Assurance visits once a year to make sure we are continuing health and safety, curriculum, interactions and all that good stuff, properly, and each year we are given a score. We had a new rep this time, who was much friendlier than the last and who everyone loved. I shorty realized after her entering my room, that I attended a training with her down in Denver once. After telling my co-teacher and I how great our room looked and how wonderful our interactions were, she left the room to tell my director that she couldn't even believe she was in a toddler room, they were so well behaved, that we do a wonderful job at teaching them. My co-teacher and I were extremely happy to hear it, even though we knew we were going to nail it. The rep told my director that she would feature me in a potty training video on how fast and efficiently one can actually potty train. People seem to be shocked at times at how fast I get 10 almost two year olds in the bathroom, and on the potty in under 10 minutes. I'm proud to say that I've gotten most of them in the habit of taking off their own pants and diaper, throwing it away and getting up on the potty on their own. They get a clean diaper out of their drawer, open it up for me, and all I have to do is put it on.

The second day of QA, was focused more on curriculum. I got into work and my director informed me that the rep would be hanging out in my room for about an hour and a half, looking over curriculum, lesson plans, my circle time and once again, interactions. I felt great about it from the start but even better when my director told me she picked the strongest classroom from each side of the building to be observed. Like the previous day, it went great and she told me my lesson plans were gorgeous. She actually said, "gorgeous." That's what I get for being organized and at times, making more work for myself, simply so it does look better. 

Last weekend, it was my 1 year anniversary working for the Goddard School and it feels so good! It definitely doesn't feel like it's been that long. I started at another disastrous center, stayed there for 4 months and then started at the school I'm at now. I've been asked if I wish I would have just come straight there and the answer has always been, "no." I babysit for families that I met there and have also formed great friendships that started there. My best friend out here, I met there and we both now, work for The Goddard School, but different locations.

My owner told me that school wide, my room or age group, is by far the most challenging. Clearly, I've found my niche' because I disagreed with her. My room is easy peasy and there is nowhere else I'd rather be.