Sunday, October 28, 2012

28 Days Later.

"Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening…Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed."

I don’t know if I could find a way of explaining my first two weeks of work more perfectly than that. It’s probably a good thing that I’ve waited, and didn’t blog after the first couple days of work because it would have been straight trash talk and that’s just not nice! The first week at my new center was very hard. Driving home from work on my second day, I cried. I was so stressed and thinking to myself, “Holy moly, what have I done??” And the tears just welled. So, okay, I didn’t full on cry, but I was close. Coming from such a new, well-run center, where everyone was a team, and got along so great and going to a center that is pretty much in shambles, worried the crap out of me. That night, I thought about it and readied myself for an intense talk with my boss the next day. On my third day, I walked right into my new boss’s office and told her I didn’t think I could do it. I was so torn because I knew when I interviewed with her; she was someone that I definitely wanted to work for. But working at a center like this, was not “me” and would be very challenging. I can’t describe it any other way than calling it one big mess of a center. She stressed to me that she knew that it was a disaster and began to tell me that I am the kind of person that she eventually wants in every room and that she has to start somewhere. She didn’t want it to discourage me and she wants me to stick it out with her. The first week I was texting the girls I worked with at Hudson and was reassured by all that if I just continue to do what I was trained to do and be the best teacher that I know how to be, things will be okay and people will eventually follow suit. But I, at the same time, think that is not my job. I never had to do this at Hudson. Everyone loved their jobs, worked together to help one another and I was the happiest person at work and I loved my job. I thought to myself that life is far too short to leave work frustrated every day and there is no way that I will have a job that I don’t look forward to going to every morning. I also thought, if I keep this job, I need to get a second job at a liquor store again to get that discount on all the wine that I will be drinking. 

After my second week, things are turning around. A couple girls were hired around the time that I was, who I get along very well with. The girl I have been working alongside, was also a previous KinderCare employee and came back after going back to school for a few years. She also cannot believe the changes in the center from when she was there last, to now. We both follow policies and are doing our best to get things put back together and organized, at least in our infant rooms. I’m happy that I spend the days with her. We are pretty much in our own world. Which, I understand, isn’t a great thing, but until the rest of the center is at our level, I’m cool with it. I get along great with everyone else I work with, but there’s a lazy trend at the center that I just can’t get over. I have a problem with people who don’t thoroughly finish the jobs they start. Things can only get better and that I am sure of. 

I had an absolutely wonderful Friday this week. A few of the babies were gone so we had only 5 infants. In Colorado, the teacher to infant ratio is 1:5. Our Director let us stay together to get things organized so it was a pretty chill day. On my lunch break I got the news that my mom’s oncologist had told her that after almost a decade of fighting cancer, that she was cancer free. My god, did I want to drive across the high way, drive up the Rockies and shout from the mountain tops how frickin excited I was. I seriously thought about it. But, having to be back to work in a half hour was not going to allow me to do so.  So we’ll save that for a later date, because it is definitely possible. Gosh, I haven’t said one thing about those mountains! Driving to and from work every day along the mountains is pretty surreal. Those snow caps get me every day and every day it’s like I’m seeing them for the first time. My first week, driving to work, I thought to myself, “Is this really worth it? My job is frustrating and sucks, but I get to see mountains every day. Do they weigh each other out? Can I have a shitty job but be okay with it because I’m here in Colorado?” At that point, it was 50/50. 

I also got news yesterday that I wasn’t too late to vote. I have been seriously worrying because I am no longer a Wisconsin resident, but haven’t been here long enough to be a Colorado resident. I Googled “Wisconsin Absentee Ballot” and literally printed off 5 forms, filled them all out, mailed them in and hoped with crossed fingers that at least one of them was the right form and that that form would be in before deadline. I received a voice mail yesterday from a lady saying, “Hi Kelsey, I have a few forms here from you but I’m a little confused as to your intentions.” At that point I laughed out loud, called her back and explained that I was just trying to get every possible form in, in hopes that one was the one she needed. Luckily, they don’t often turn people away, so I can go in right away tomorrow morning and vote! I could not be more excited. I will be sporting my, “I voted” sticker all day long. Chalk that to the awesome list from Friday.  

The one thing that is not on the awesome list: Joel is still not here. We were hoping he would be here by Wednesday this past week, but he’s working on paving his parent’s driveway, with pavers… single bricks… that need to be laid individually, and he was set back a bit with the rain and little bit of snow we got back in Minnesota earlier this week. So hopefully by late tomorrow night! I am so ready for him to be here. Yes, I enjoy my own company, and I’ve gone longer without seeing him but I want to be in ‘our’ new place together already! And it’s been 28 days since I’ve gotten kisses.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Just to name a few.

To my friends, in hopes that you hop on the Colorado band wagon.. ;) 

Some things that I particularly love about Loveland: 

First and foremost, mountains! You can't see them from my house, but drive 2 blocks onto main street and there they are! I get to see them as I drive home from work every day-- or in my rear view mirror as I drive to work everyday. How delightful! 

Second, the gas is cheaper! It's only $3.61-- sad. I remember when I filled my gas tank with $25.

Third, there are Sonics. Not that I love Sonic, I've only eaten there once, but Sonic commercials are hilarious and they are all I think about when I drive by them. This is one of my favorites..

Fourth, the micro breweries! They are everyyyywhere and I plan on visiting all of them. We are known as the Napa Valley of breweries. How fun is that? 

Fifth, Loveland is one of the top places in the Nation for music & art. Awesome, for Joel especially, but for me too! :)

Sixth, my house is 2 blocks from the library-- and everything for that matter. Joel's uncle told me the other day that our house is very centralized. We are also 3 streets over from main street, full of bars and boutiques that I will most likely love the second I walk in them. 

Seventh, since we are speaking location, I am about an hour from Rocky Mountain National Park, and main street takes you right there. Although, an hour is like 15 minutes here because the amazing scenery makes time irrelevant when you are driving. 

Eighth, I forgot to mention when I brought up the crazy amounts of micro breweries, that every liquor store here, has a drive-thru. Interesting, and practical, I guess, if you know exactly what you want. 

Ninth, I clearly have Duck Dynasty on my mind, but there have been a number of people that have reminded me of that show and have made me want to watch it then and there. For example, we were in Wal-mart yesterday. 3 guys in Camo passed me. Immediately, Duck Dynasty. 10 minutes later, another in camo, a nice long, grey beard, but this one had a.... wait for it... duck call. That yes, he was using in Wal-mart. I need a marathon, daily, to get my fix on that show- I cannot get enough. 


Tenth, I'll make it an even ten. The weather is amazingggg. It was in the low thirties when we woke up this morning, probably got somewhere in the fifties mid day and Sunday and Monday it is supposed to be in the high seventies. I am going to love this and will probably embrace snowfall here, simply because the sun is always shinning and because it melts fast :) I could not be more excited!


Today was wonderful. I visited my new center and left there being even more excited to start work there on Monday. My new director cleaned out my room for me and I am completely starting fresh in the older Infant room next week. I will have 3-5 babies over the week, some part time. Monday, my babies won't actually be in my room with me, because I'll be doing more cleaning, organizing and getting it ready to be livable, since it hasn't been open since March. I am happy that my boss is just as excited for me to start as I am. I drove home on Cloud 9, towards the mountains. I think I'll stay here forever.  

"In all earnestness, I asked myself what kind of world I had stumbled into." -Carl Gustav Jung

I had a wonderful last weekend in the Midwest. I babysat for a family that goes to KinderCare, who has become family to me over the last 4 years, and who I am going to miss like crazy. My brother and sister in law were also in town to run the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday. I don't know if you've ever been there to support and cheer on friends or family running before, but for some reason, I found it emotional. I'm sure it was all my feelings and stresses about moving, running wild. Watching mother/daughters, husbands/wives and any other couple who were in it together, cross the finish line holding hands, for some reason, brought tears to my eyes. Before the race, I had running a marathon on my bucket list. After, on the other hand, it was off that list as fast as I had put it on. My brother's time was 2 hours and 53 minutes, for his first marathon. That to me is insane. He ran better than a mom I know, who runs every marathon in our area. My sister in law was just grateful to finish, as I would be. I think people underestimate how great of an accomplishment running a marathon really is. After the marathon, we hung out at my brother's friend's house, where I soaked up all the contentment and familiarity, knowing that I would not have that for a little while, moving my life to Colorado. 

Monday, I had a training all day with some of the girls I work with and then afterwards, had a drink with almost all of my co-workers. The ones who couldn't make it were there in spirit ;) I for some reason, never full on cried while saying goodbye to them all. I knew, once the tears started flowing, they were not going to stop. So when they came, I swallowed them down, even when my boss hugged me and told me how proud of me she is, watching me grow into the person that I have in the last 4 years and how lucky my new director is to have me on her team. 

After a delicious mint chocolate martini, I was on my way home to load the moving truck. Little did I know, that Joel's dad had been there for the last few hours, helping my mom and dad and almost everything that I owned, was already loaded up and ready to go. Thank you so much to you guys for doing. I appreciate it like crazy! After thinking how much I hate packing and moving in general, I was to the point of throwing everything left in my room, in garbage bags. Afterwards, I went to spend my last few hours with girlfriends, where we watched Long Island Medium and got more tears in my eyes! That show will get you. Ohh man. If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. I left after big hugs, and realizing it was midnight and I had a long day of driving ahead of me. I already miss you girls! 

Tuesday, we of course, got a late start and left for my Colorado adventure at noon. The first couple hours with my cats, were nightmarish, like I thought they would be. Even after rest & relaxation medicine, Olive was meowing like crazy and Oscar was determined to get down by my feet and gas and brake. Which I, immediately thought the worst and envisioned a freak accident, involving my cats. After those first couple hours, they weren't so bad, but I could tell how stir crazy Oscar was. Olive, on the other hand, was terrified and stayed in the same spot, under my seat in the back seat, for 9 hours. 

We stayed at a hotel, where we were super badass and snuck the babies in, I caught up on homework (puke), got a night's sleep and were back at our drive early the next morning. All in all, it was good travels, aside from my butt constantly being sore and my nervousness about following two of the exact same Budget moving trucks. I immediately envisioned Kevin, in Home Alone when he starts following the wrong parent in the airport. Then, I wondered where the other moving truck was going. We arrived at our new home, got our keys from my new landlord and moved everything out of the truck, all on our own, without men, in two hours. High five, mom. We caught our second wind and were up until almost midnight putting away our kitchen, bathroom and most of my clothes. 

Yesterday, I had my first guests! Joel's grandparents have been in Colorado visiting his uncle, who I had never met, for the last few weeks. They planned on going back to the Midwest today but wanted to get together for lunch before they did. They came over, saw our place, and took us to lunch. It was so great to spend time with them and talk to Joel's uncle, who has lived here since 1989, all about life here. We ate at an awesome brewery, stopped and tasted more beer at another, and I couldn't help but think to myself, every few minutes, "Oh my goodness, I live here... in this amazingness." The lifestyle is so young and creative and artsy. Joel was bummed he wasn't able to spend the day with us but ohh man is he going to love it once he gets here. Also, at the brewery, my new boss texted me. Which made me smile and even more excited to start work for her on Monday. She was wondering how I was, if the move went smoothly and if I was here safe and sound. I made sure to not to tell her where I was but knowing that she went out of her way to send me a personal text made me feel great and even better about choosing her KinderCare to work at. I am not feeling one bit nervous to start my new job on Monday. Helloooo newness!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Senioritis all over again. Only what do we call it now?

Please blog, save me from the class that I just started today. I am refusing to read right now, most likely because I'm being told I have to. I am getting the feeling that these couple courses that I started today, are going to be a little more work than I had planned. I am only taking two online classes, one simply because I am a 'new' student and the second, to renew my CDA. Yes, I have a lovely degree that I get to renew every few years. Horrayyy! Sarcasm. I need an attitude change. 

First of all, I don't have my books yet. What a way to start the first day of class, wouldn't you say?? I tried hard to get this all taken care of two weeks ago, before I even left for Colorado, because I didn't want to have to deal with what, I am now dealing with. Not having the appropriate tools necessary to thrive academically! Ha, now I am making myself laugh. 

So here I am, putting off getting things situated and going with my classes. I could easily be reading the first chapter and looking over the first assignment. Blogging just seems more 'right now.' I haven't actually X-ed out of that window entirely, though. It's going to take a handful of various, spread out post-it notes, at home, and at work, to remind me to sign on to my courses every day and remember to read and complete assignments to have them in at the appropriate time. As well as post-it notes encouraging me and cheering myself on! I am so not in the mood for school right now. Especially, with moving my entire life next week. I am going to be a stress ball. I can see it now.
Alright, attitude change. I can do this!

This weekend was wonderful. My aunt hosted our family reunion and I am so glad she put it together and so glad everyone followed through and came. It was really my last time to see a lot of my relatives before I move and who knows what the holidays will bring and whether we will be home or not. I just love my family and I cannot get enough of them. I am also very happy that Joel was able to make it. He had originally planned on already being in Alaska but he left today. His plane is probably just taking off as we speak. This is another thing, it was weird this morning kissing Joel goodbye as I left for work and saying to each other that the next time we see each other, which will be in a little less than a month's time, we will be at our new place in Colorado. Crazyyyy!

What excites me right now, is the thought of my pot luck at work tomorrow. The fact that all the wonderful ladies that I work with are making a bunch of delicious food in my honor, is pretty fantastic. I am going to be so uncomfortably full tomorrow and it's going to be great.