"But love, I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled at bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other everyday." -Nicholas Sparks
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Homeward Bound.
I'm having the weirdest airport experience I've ever had right now. I got to the airport, said my goodbyes, gave hugs and walked inside, to probably 6 people. I was the second person in line to check-in and check my bag. I walked to security and was the only person going through security. It was so weird, I didn't know where to go, like I had never been to an airport before. This place is literally dead, and it was when I arrived here on Thursday also, so I said something to someone. That person said there is another side to the airport that is a whole lot busier. That makes sense.
I actually wasn't going to blog before I got on the plane. I was figuring playing around on my laptop/Facebooking was going to take up the 2 and a half hours of layover time I have again in LA, because I definitely won't be leaving the airport this time. But, the airport always makes me laugh. There has been this older woman, who, I overheard, has been married to her husband, who can't get around easily, for 42 years. She told her husband that he needed to sit down and now she's been doing laps with the loudest shoes on that you've ever heard. I'm at the end of her lap route, because, she gets to my chair, turns and goes the other way. Picture the loudest shoes and the silliest walk of an old woman. That is what is right in front of me. I can't read, I can't Facebook, all I can do is smile. God, I love people.
Yesterday, on my last day, Alesia and I were literally in our sweats until about 6PM. I am so glad that we are on the same page with doing whatever we feel like doing. I've had friends that need to constantly be entertained and its annoying and draining when people can't just chillthe fuck out. Sunday night, we had talked about biking the Golden Gate yesterday but when we woke up, we weren't in the mood and we were exhausted, as awesome as it would have been. I am totally okay with being super busy and doing as many things as possible on vacations, but at the same time, I'm cool with doing nothing. And, this isn't my first rodeo time in San Fran. Don't get me wrong, there are probably a ton of things I haven't experienced or places I haven't been in my handful of times being here. But, there will always be a next time. When we eventually showered, we went to the cutest, bar, I guess I don't even want to say bar, it was more of a cafe' where a guy they work with hosts trivia every Monday. It brought me back to mine and Alesia's days of schooling everyone in Trivia at Throwbacks, when we used to go every Wednesday. We literally won $160 worth of Throwbacks gift certificates every week. It was ridiculous. Long story short, we won, then we called it an early night. I have no idea how we were tired after doing a whole lot of nothing all day.
I can't help but think about Colorado right now. Not that a day goes by that I don't, but it's full force right now, being at an airport. I'm so anxious for September to get here, so Joel and I can fly out and explore, and apartment search and find a place to live. I get so excited looking on Craigslist everyday at sweet houses out there. And everything is so affordable! Life, hurry up! Kidding, too much fun shit would pass by if I fast forwarded to September.
Gosh, I'm excited to see Joel. And all my babies at work.
The airport is finally fully up and I'm pretty sure the lady next to me is reading everything I'm writing, so gtg! << ha ha When was the last time you said, or heard someone say, "gtg!"
I actually wasn't going to blog before I got on the plane. I was figuring playing around on my laptop/Facebooking was going to take up the 2 and a half hours of layover time I have again in LA, because I definitely won't be leaving the airport this time. But, the airport always makes me laugh. There has been this older woman, who, I overheard, has been married to her husband, who can't get around easily, for 42 years. She told her husband that he needed to sit down and now she's been doing laps with the loudest shoes on that you've ever heard. I'm at the end of her lap route, because, she gets to my chair, turns and goes the other way. Picture the loudest shoes and the silliest walk of an old woman. That is what is right in front of me. I can't read, I can't Facebook, all I can do is smile. God, I love people.
Yesterday, on my last day, Alesia and I were literally in our sweats until about 6PM. I am so glad that we are on the same page with doing whatever we feel like doing. I've had friends that need to constantly be entertained and its annoying and draining when people can't just chill
I can't help but think about Colorado right now. Not that a day goes by that I don't, but it's full force right now, being at an airport. I'm so anxious for September to get here, so Joel and I can fly out and explore, and apartment search and find a place to live. I get so excited looking on Craigslist everyday at sweet houses out there. And everything is so affordable! Life, hurry up! Kidding, too much fun shit would pass by if I fast forwarded to September.
Gosh, I'm excited to see Joel. And all my babies at work.
The airport is finally fully up and I'm pretty sure the lady next to me is reading everything I'm writing, so gtg! << ha ha When was the last time you said, or heard someone say, "gtg!"
Monday, May 21, 2012
I failed terribly at blogging last year when I was in Cali. Not this time!
I have had an absolutely perfect vacation thus far. My flight out here was great. Sat next to no one and was given a window seat after trading with a lady who wanted to sit next to her friends. I was coincidentally on the same flight to LA, as a friend of mine who I hadn't seen for a long time, who also now lives in LA. I finished the first book in the Hunger Games, which was fantastic, had a bloody mary and was in LA before I knew it. One of my best friends who lives there, picked Chad and I up and we got lunch on a patio, drove around and saw her work, as well as walked along Venice Beach. I am so glad we had that time and were able to do that. Chris has given me shit every time I come out to San Fran to see Alesia, and not Cali in general, to visit her. I promise to make it out there to visit soon, spend more time than a couple hours! This is one of the reasons I'm also very excited to move to Colorado, we will be driving distance to all our friends in Cali. Gosh, this excites me. Back to Venice! I have to say, I was moderately bummed that my phone died shortly after getting off the plane, therefore I wasn't able to Instagram anything and everything. Thank you Andriod for getting instagram! :) After loving on each other for a couple hours, a walk on the beach, and a beer on an awesome rooftop patio, it was time to get myself back to the airport. Check-in back at LAX went faster than I was told it would and once I got past security, my gate was immediately as I walked in to the terminals. My flight from LA to Oakland went so ridiculously fast, I felt like I sat down, turned on my ipod and minutes later, was told we were getting ready to land. My bag was one of the first bags to appear at the baggage claim, and I, once again, thought to myself that today is working 100% in my favor. After too many tights hugs, our drive back to SF, a stop down at the fisherman's warf, we got back to Alesia and Jon's place, put my stuff down and was immediately out to our first restaurant. The place was called, Zeitgeist and is a biker bar, known for their awesome patio. And I don't mean, leather jacket and Harleys biker bar, I mean, skinny jeans, plaid and two wheeler biker bar where everyone is a hipster who drinks whiskey like it's going out of style. I tried to get a picture of the patio, but failed, people were smoking weed outside and I didn't want to be the tourist taking pictures, who cares if you're smoking weed, because I don't. You do whatever your little heart desires, because that's okay in San Fran, I've already learned. Anthony Bourdian, from the Food Network had eaten there and suggested it on his website. I highly suggest you check it out if you ever have the chance. Later that night, we met up with Chelsea and her man and walked to an awesome little, classy bar, called Olive, which I loved particularly because my cat's name is Olive, and had delicious martinis.
Friday morning, I felt like I had drank martinis the night before. After a delicious breakfast, a fall downhill for me, ha and a scraped up, bloody foot, we were off to Petaluma for the day to sit by Omar's amazing outdoor patio and pool.
Looks fake doesn't it? Nope, I was there. And the weather was beyond perfect. Couple beers, hookah, I could go back! Friday night we went out and I met the people that Alesia, Jon and Chels work with. At another hipster bar and yes, I drank whiskey. Believe it or not, it gave my quick the kick I needed to jump start my night. At the second bar, I tried a new beer, called Hoegaarden and it is quite possibly my new favorite and unfortunately, I don't think I can get it in Wisconsin or Minnesota. It's going to have to be a treat just for San Fran.
Saturday we went shopping, found some good deals and bought awesome mustache's and neon suspenders for Bay to Breakers yesterday. And yes, this year, we made it out of the house. I can't wait to show pictures, but unfortunately, I was having too much fun to get a ridiculous amount of photos, but that's okay. Here is my mustache'
I look like my dad. We got too many compliments on our mustache's and then sadly, I lost mine, while letting others try it on. It's okay, only because after so many hours, it made my face react and get red. After a walk around the city, seeing all the crazy people and hilarious costumes, we parked it at a bar and had a dance party on the awesome dance floor just like we did last year. I have to say, there is something also liberating about dancing with a gay man, along with a 3 year old to Taylor Swift songs, like I've said before. Especially, when I'm wearing suspenders and a mustache' and he's in tight pink short shorts and work out gear, tall knee high socks, along with a hula hoop. Larry, I love you. After a long day of drinking and dancing and being outrageous, along with other outrageous people, we called it kind of an early night.
Things I have fallen in love with while in San Fran: crystal light, singing Carly Rea Jepsen way too loud, and this wiener dog:
Friday, May 11, 2012
5 cats & a dog.
Feels so good to be Friday and it feels like summer outside! My tank top under my t-shirt was immediately damp on my back as I got in my car on my lunch break just now. Whew! Cutie.
I had the weirdest set of dreams last night, involving my mom driving my car straight into her garage door and then backing up straight into a truck that was behind it and smashing in the entire trunk by hitting this big truck's trailer hitch. wtf. Where does that come from and why didn't she care when I started crying about it? I just remember running inside all dramatically.
Well, I've been thinking about my relationship with my mom a lot lately. My lease is up the end of July and as much as I love love love my apartment I have now and would love to live there forever, if I was single, renewing my lease just does not make sense, for we are moving by the end of the year. I have not asked my landlord to let me stay until our move because after much thought, it makes more sense to move back into my parent's for 3 months. Now, I realistically never wanted to do this again. I plan to set aside what I would have been paying at my place- rent and Xcel and just keep it aside to have when we get out to Colorado. My parents are fantastic and I could not have asked for better parents, being the person I am and having the personality that I have. Although, when living together, my mom and I 100% but heads. I'm pretty sure it's the same case with most mothers and daughters. Once you move out, you almost always have a better relationship. It's going to take work from both our ends to make those 3 months as comfortable as possible. But, we can do it!
Also, the first time we talked about it, neither my mom or I thought about our pet situation. My mom has 3 cats and a dog. I have 2 cats. That equals 5 cats and a dog!! Yiiiiikes. Oscar is going to freak out and my mom's oldest cat is probably going to die of stress. Lets cross our fingers that that is not the case!
What I am mostly looking forward to:
1. free internet
2. being 10 minutes from work and saving moola on gas
3. dinner that my mom occasionally makes ;)
4. work out equipment in the basement
5. my hammock
7. having a dog to walk if I want to
8. saving 3 months of rent and bills to put towards a new, sweet house in Colorado
9. working on my relationship with my mom. That was for you, mom :)
10. annndddd, I had to make it an even '10' so last but not least, spending as much time with my fam damn before I move far, far away from them.
Gosh, those 10 things excite me!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
The cat's outta the bag.
This day and time next week, I will be stationary in lovely San Fran sitting next to my best fran. Although, sitting is most likely not what we will be doing. Really, who knows what mischief we will encounter. It's always a ridiculous fun time when I'm there or when we're together period. I very excite! :) I wonder if a lesbian will fall in love with me/my dance moves this time around! Most likely, it's hard not to ;) kidding, kind of. I'm probably going to do the Bernie dance like I did last weekend at like 6 pm at the bar and no one will know what I'm doing. It's going to be great.
Cali count down: 7 days!!
I have some other fun and exciting news! No, I am not pregnant, no I am not engaged. Why does everyone look at me like I'm going to say one of those things when I tell them I have exciting news? Joel and I are moving to Colorado! Whoop Whoop! I love my life! When we were in Spain, we talked about moving in together and Joel mentioned moving away somewhere sweet. Yes, I am willing and yes, I think it would/will be amazing for us to do as a couple. Luckily, I work for a company that is literally e v e r y w h e r e. It was one of the first things I did, look to see if there were Kindercares in Colorado. And like I thought, just in Denver, there are a handful. Yayy! Soo, we are shooting to live in Denver. I've been chatting with our friends who already live there and I fall in love with the idea more and more and think about our life there every day! I always say this but don't really mean it, liiiife, hurry up! We are shooting for the beginning of November because we both have wayy too many things going on this summer. And Joel will be gone the entire month of October in Alaska and Nashville. So I will be spending one last Halloween with all my amazing friends here and then we will be off on our adventure! Why Colorado you ask? Here is my answer: adventure, amazing weather, change, awesomeness, mountains. Joel has been there many a time and I have never been! But I have never heard anyone say one bad thing about it and I have no doubt in my mind that I will fall in love immediately.
This is going to be me...
....minus the two girls and plus my boyfriend :)
Cali count down: 7 days!!
I have some other fun and exciting news! No, I am not pregnant, no I am not engaged. Why does everyone look at me like I'm going to say one of those things when I tell them I have exciting news? Joel and I are moving to Colorado! Whoop Whoop! I love my life! When we were in Spain, we talked about moving in together and Joel mentioned moving away somewhere sweet. Yes, I am willing and yes, I think it would/will be amazing for us to do as a couple. Luckily, I work for a company that is literally e v e r y w h e r e. It was one of the first things I did, look to see if there were Kindercares in Colorado. And like I thought, just in Denver, there are a handful. Yayy! Soo, we are shooting to live in Denver. I've been chatting with our friends who already live there and I fall in love with the idea more and more and think about our life there every day! I always say this but don't really mean it, liiiife, hurry up! We are shooting for the beginning of November because we both have wayy too many things going on this summer. And Joel will be gone the entire month of October in Alaska and Nashville. So I will be spending one last Halloween with all my amazing friends here and then we will be off on our adventure! Why Colorado you ask? Here is my answer: adventure, amazing weather, change, awesomeness, mountains. Joel has been there many a time and I have never been! But I have never heard anyone say one bad thing about it and I have no doubt in my mind that I will fall in love immediately.
This is going to be me...
....minus the two girls and plus my boyfriend :)
Cheers to life!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Here's to you, Kels.
Life is so crazy.
I've literally been just staring at that sentence. I don't know what else to write. I don't know what to do, what to say, how to feel. How to feel anything but utter sadness. This is probably the reason I'm not balling my eyes out, shock. Is this real? Has this really happened? Yes, but why? Today, I lost a sweet friend of mine, Kelsey Lee. This girl was amazing. I've only known Kels for a handful of years and it wasn't enough. Kelsey was a person who literally lit up any room with her smile and that amazing, infectious laugh she had. It, some of the times, was funnier than the joke. It boggles my mind how fast life just ends. I told my mom that I had just talked to Kels yesterday. She asked what we talked about and I responded, "life." My mom asked if she was happy and I know she was. She still is. That was the thing about Kelsey, her amazing, positive attitude about life. Gosh, I could go on and on about all the things I've fallen in love with about her over the few years that I've known her and I just feel so sad for her family and friends she was close with, closer than me. Kelsey, you are amazing. You are beautiful inside and out and there is nobody else I would rather share my name with! Life is so unfair at times. Here's to you babe! I can't wait to see you again some day, take care of us, will you?
Everyone up there now, is spoiled to have you at their side.
I've literally been just staring at that sentence. I don't know what else to write. I don't know what to do, what to say, how to feel. How to feel anything but utter sadness. This is probably the reason I'm not balling my eyes out, shock. Is this real? Has this really happened? Yes, but why? Today, I lost a sweet friend of mine, Kelsey Lee. This girl was amazing. I've only known Kels for a handful of years and it wasn't enough. Kelsey was a person who literally lit up any room with her smile and that amazing, infectious laugh she had. It, some of the times, was funnier than the joke. It boggles my mind how fast life just ends. I told my mom that I had just talked to Kels yesterday. She asked what we talked about and I responded, "life." My mom asked if she was happy and I know she was. She still is. That was the thing about Kelsey, her amazing, positive attitude about life. Gosh, I could go on and on about all the things I've fallen in love with about her over the few years that I've known her and I just feel so sad for her family and friends she was close with, closer than me. Kelsey, you are amazing. You are beautiful inside and out and there is nobody else I would rather share my name with! Life is so unfair at times. Here's to you babe! I can't wait to see you again some day, take care of us, will you?
Everyone up there now, is spoiled to have you at their side.
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Kels squared being themselves. |
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I would have been happy to have these pictures never resurface ;) Only for you Kelso. |
You will be missed forever, lady!
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