Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Happy Birthday!
Birthday shout out to my awesome friend, James Kulzer. This post is strictly for you, and you only- to celebrate the day you were expelled from your mothers uterus. I can't wait to show you the video I got of your dance moves Saturday night. You had no idea :)
Normal post to come.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Words of the wise.
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone. People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others. –Audrey Hepburn
Smart girl.
Yesterday I started to feel this serious sense of relief. Right now, a little annoyed. Let me break it down for you. Last Sept. I moved in with a girlfriend of mine. A girlfriend that I differ from 100% but don't get me wrong we've always gotten along well- for the most part. Over time, we've just discovered that co-existing together is not working. I had been thinking about this annoying, frustrating conversation I was going to have to have with her for the last 4(ish) months. Well, that convo. happened Thursday night and yesterday (Friday) we decided she is moving out by this coming Thursday. Thursday I will be able to breathe again. It's unfortunate things happened this way but it did, life is crazy, and things needed to change. And her boyfriend, who is my boyfriend's friend, just walked out of her room and called me classy. If by classy you mean, things aren't working out with your girlfriend, yes, I am veryyy classy. It's okay. I'm not feeding into stupidity. I'm so excited for something different. And to have not one ounce of negativity or pessimism while I'm at my own home. YES! All the big shit in our apartment is hers- couches, dinning room table and chairs. I find myself thinking, "I'd rather not have those things for a short while than have things be the way they have been the last couple months" Sometimes you just can't make it work even when you try hard to do so. And that's okay.
I went for an hour long walk the other night with one of my girlfriends who I don't see all too often these days. Someone who used to be my best friend ever. It was so nice and so refreshing to talk and be outside. I have really started appreciating the relationships I still have with people. Especially when those relationships started years and years ago. I have done so much growing and changing and so have other people, that sometimes life goes in the complete opposite way that you expect it to. I find it so comforting when I get together with a girlfriend and I still feel such an awesome connection with them and still have the same appreciative feelings I had for them years ago. That is so important and I feel so lucky to still have them.
Next week I'm going to feel a crazy amount of weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm going to do some deep cleaning and organizing once all her things are out. And I will have so much room to do activities!
I went for an hour long walk the other night with one of my girlfriends who I don't see all too often these days. Someone who used to be my best friend ever. It was so nice and so refreshing to talk and be outside. I have really started appreciating the relationships I still have with people. Especially when those relationships started years and years ago. I have done so much growing and changing and so have other people, that sometimes life goes in the complete opposite way that you expect it to. I find it so comforting when I get together with a girlfriend and I still feel such an awesome connection with them and still have the same appreciative feelings I had for them years ago. That is so important and I feel so lucky to still have them.
Next week I'm going to feel a crazy amount of weight lifted off my shoulders. I'm going to do some deep cleaning and organizing once all her things are out. And I will have so much room to do activities!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Another happy Friday.
"You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted." -Ruth E. Renkl
Have a fun, safe Memorial weekend, friends!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
A lifetime spent chasing the sun.
This is the gift- to have the wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder and even ecstasy.
- Abraham Mostow
Allow yourself the freedom to grow and expand. Form the habit of saying yes to your own potential. Take time to think of all the reasons why you can and will embrace wondrous new possibilities and adventures.
- Don Ward
Treasure each other in the recognition that we do not know how long we shall have each other.
-Joshua Loth Liebman
Live simply; love lavishly.
-Michael Nolan
We all need to be recognized for what we're doing, for our work. Every once in a while we need someone to come up to us and say, "You're beautiful. That was well done. That's nice."
-Leo Buscagilo
Go out and make a difference in your community. You don't need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it now. Do it today. Do it for twenty minutes and watch you heart start beating.
- Barbara Sher
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
-Pablo Picasso
Happy Sunday.
I'm back from Cali and so ready to get back to my normal work week.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Happy Monday.
Nicely said.
Cali recap post coming soon.
Happy Monday!
Serious detox starting tomorrow upon my return from San Fran.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I love people.
I wanted to blog so bad at the airport in Mpls on Thursday but I couldn't get my internet to work. I even tried to blog using my phone but for some reason I wasn't able to write once I got to this page. Anyways, my time there was hilarious. I found myself smiling and even laughing out loud frequently. I first of all wish I didn't get that nervous feeling I always get before I'm about to fly. Or I should say, before I even get to the airport. I was telling Joel about my feelings on the drive there and he suggested that he just go in my place. "It'll be hilarious, I'll show up with all your things, in your clothes... Hey! It's me!" At that point I thought of Rob Schnider in Hot Chick "It's meee, Jessicaa!" Eh, I'm not that nervous. So the nervous feeling I had soon vanished as I got all checked in and was contently waiting by my gate. The laughter did start before then though, as I over heard a lady standing behind me in line asking her children if they left their fireworks at home. I immediately thought of Nick Swardson's skit about bringing roman candles on an airplane. So I'm sitting there, trying to get my internet to work. There's a little boy behind me, I can see him in the reflection on my laptop screen, and I can feel him bouncing up and down and shaking the entire row of seats I'm sitting on. He's growling and making hilarious noises and I'm laughing because his mother has absolutely no control. I'm starting to hear yelling a ways down. I look around and notice there's a lady to my right and a couple sitting right next to her talking about this woman who's on the phone and yelling. This woman is probably two gates down and has her back facing towards me. I am just drawn to this woman and her conversation, as is everyone else around us. Of course there's a guy right to the left of this lady I'm trying to look at, but he's sitting closer to me, in my square of seats. And of course he thinks I keep looking at him. We started doing that thing were every time I would turn to look at this loud lady, we would make eye contact, and whether you want to make eye contact with this person, you do anyways. This gets me laughing again. Great, this guy thinks I want him to approach me. He eventually gets up and moves closer, to the group of seats right next to me. Stop. If only you knew, I was interested in the raging woman on the phone, who's side profile reminded me of Bernie Mac. At this point this woman has been approached by two separate ladies working at the airport, the second woman who's mouth I noticed was saying, "It's okay, I need you to calm down." As the woman is wiping her eyes with a Kleenex. So now I hear the announcement that my plane is boarding. The guy sitting next to me seriously stood up and waited there for a moment. Totally obvious that he wanted to say something to me. I looked in his direction, but didn't make eye contact, gave him the go-ahead-and-go-look, there's no reason to wait for me. So he's about 12 people ahead of me once I actually get in line and he keeps turning around and smiling at me. This is hilarious. I'm laughing of course and at the same time he probably thinks I'm smiling back at him. Stop turning around! Luckily, I was nowhere near him once we got on the plane and I sat next to a lovely older couple who was going to Sonoma for some wine tasting retreat. I finished reading The Happiness Project and busted out my ipod. I told the lady next to me to nudge me if my music was too loud. She didn't, but there is no way she didn't hear my loud Tiesto podcast beats. She was probably just letting me live it up. All in all, it was a good flight. I couldn't get warm for the life of me but hey! situations aren't always perfect. I'm on my way to Cali, I refuse to complain.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I find it very outrageous that I haven't been on facebook or the blog world for 8 days. I didn't even know that was possible for me. I love me some facebook. But lately, every time I think to bust out my laptop and open the book I steer very sharply to the book I'm reading. An actual book: The Happiness Project. And it's a goodie. I'm pretty much blogging right now because I feel like I have to. I don't want to worry anyone ;) I'm going to refrain from recapping on things that have been going on because that would be novel length. but I am going to note that I leave for Cali tomorrow. San Fran at that! The last time I was there was June of last year, so almost a full year. Thank you mammy, yes mammy, for the birthday present. You're the best. I'm going to see my B.est F.riend F.orever! I was saying to my other girlfriends tonight who were over for wine, that Alesia is one of those friends who moves away, I don't see frequently or barely talk to (because I am horrible with the phone, you know this) and when we do finally see each other for the first time in ever, it's like we never left each other. I think this is truly great. We actually met through friends in high school and didn't become close until after high school. Right? I don't remember details really. Correct me if I'm wrong. And this friendship turned into me sleeping alongside her and partying till wee hours in the morning when I had to work the next day. Not that I could ever do that again in my life or want to. But I was there and I will remember it forever. I always think about the time I was going off to her about a guy I had been hanging out with, "No, I don't want to sit in your basement on your mattress and watch tv!" --As we're sitting in her basement on a mattress together watching tv. Funny realization. Clearly, it's the company you have, not your surroundings! Alesia has finally realized that I don't love to skype because I feel like I need to wear makeup (which I don't do during the week- for the most part) because I haven't seen her forever and I feel like I need to look amazing for her. Even though she's seen me at my worst. And all other sides of me for that matter. Oh, how times would have been different if I had moved to Cali with her those almost two years back! Side note: Alesia and I had planned on moving out there together two years ago, but I was still in school and sadly, had just started court and all that fun shit that had to do with my DUI. Never get a DUI. I'm telling you. You already know how it ruined changed my life. That was one of the many ways how. I remember the phone call:
Alesia: "duuude, just bought my one wayyy (pure excitement) get your shit togetherrr!"
Dammit. So now I just have an awesome place to visit. Where I can relive my craziness but with a little more control :) But I have to say it: bring on the debauchery. ;)
Alesia: "duuude, just bought my one wayyy (pure excitement) get your shit togetherrr!"
Dammit. So now I just have an awesome place to visit. Where I can relive my craziness but with a little more control :) But I have to say it: bring on the debauchery. ;)
We're BS proof.
Monday, May 2, 2011
New residence: France.
I just got home. I told my mom I was going to go home and blog/ reevaluate my life/career. She said not to. But do you want to know why? One reason: The show I am newly obsessed with...
And of course I pick the one with the picture of the most unrealistic house ever, but hey! I can dream ;) Is that even a house? Probably. Anyways, every Monday night my mom and I get together and we cook something. We will eventually start baking things, I'm sure. We started it last week with veggie pizza-- I've been craving forever! Tonight we made baked potatoes with cheddar cheese, ham, broccoli and sour cream. Not the healthiest or extravagant but FYI I am horrible in the kitchen and am seriously interested in becoming more domestic :) I already have the cleaning, laundry, and ironing down, why not get to the cooking! And also, mother-daughter bonding. Who doesn't love that? And my mom actually said she was excited to see I have more interest in becoming a little more domestic. Hooray!
And of course I pick the one with the picture of the most unrealistic house ever, but hey! I can dream ;) Is that even a house? Probably. Anyways, every Monday night my mom and I get together and we cook something. We will eventually start baking things, I'm sure. We started it last week with veggie pizza-- I've been craving forever! Tonight we made baked potatoes with cheddar cheese, ham, broccoli and sour cream. Not the healthiest or extravagant but FYI I am horrible in the kitchen and am seriously interested in becoming more domestic :) I already have the cleaning, laundry, and ironing down, why not get to the cooking! And also, mother-daughter bonding. Who doesn't love that? And my mom actually said she was excited to see I have more interest in becoming a little more domestic. Hooray!
Here are our delicious baked potatoes. I'm just realizing how small this photo is.
You get the picture!
One with sour cream- one without.
Anyways, back to my obsession: House Hunters International. Ahh does anyone else reevaluate their life/living arrangements/career when they watch shows like these? I am clearly not making enough money! I can be real and say, I admit, most of these homes are so not affordable for the average person with today's economy, I get it. I love working with children, don't get me wrong. But this is definitely not how I am going to be able to support myself for the rest of my life. Not that I even want to do what I am doing for the rest of my life. But for now even. I have this mentality that you can always make money back, you can't make back the memories you never made. I think that is a wonderful means to live by. But honestly, that doesn't give me any means to live by. I'm going through the sad realization, that I may have to start giving up all the fun things that I have planned in the next few months or some of them, and even things that will come up that I want to do so badly. Just because I am to the age where in 5 years, I'm going to want to start looking for a house maybe, starting a family, who knows. 28 sounds like a good age to start doing those things. My mom says I have nothing to worry about. I wouldn't say "worry" but the thought is definitely in the back of my mind. Seriously budgeting myself and sticking to it is in the near future. Hey, we did just start a new month. Maybe, I'll look into Bugeting for Dummies. They have to have one of those! Ah, another book to read! :)
Side note: I just got the nicest email from my mom. She ended it with," Please don't worry about your future. Everything will fall into place someday. Love you! Mom" Raise your hand if you love your mom, as much as I love mine! Thanks for the encouraging words. House Hunters was based out of France tonight. I actually said to my mom, "Why don't we just pick up, and go!" Referencing all the amazing, crazy cheap priced, beautiful homes in Brittany, France. Her response, "Okay, what about our husband and boyfriend?" I said, "We can find new ones.. with accents.." ;) Kidding, Joel!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I love books. And happiness.
I went to my parents house today for about an hour or so, chatted with my mom, and watched a little HGTV. My mom and I are such suckers for a good "For Rent" or "House Hunters International" episode. Anyways, about a week ago my mom gave me The Happiness Project after I hassled her for a good couples of weeks while she was reading it. "Just take it, I can finish it later" she finally said. Don't worry, I'll read fast :) So I just have to say, I came home, cleaned all my floors on my hands and knees, like I said I would, and started the book. A few hours later, I am so glad to have this book in my hands. So glad, I need to blog about it.
This book is awesome. I have already come across really great quotes in the first couple chapters. You know me and a good quote ;) In the "Getting Started" portion of the book, I came across this great paragraph. I need to share it with you.
This book is awesome. I have already come across really great quotes in the first couple chapters. You know me and a good quote ;) In the "Getting Started" portion of the book, I came across this great paragraph. I need to share it with you.
According to current research, in the determination of a person's level of happiness, genetics accounts for about 50 percent, life circumstances, such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, income, health, occupation, and religious affiliation, account for about 10 to 20 percent; and the remainder is a product of how a person thinks and acts. In other words, people have an inborn disposition that's set within a certain range, but they can boost themselves to the top of their happiness range or push themselves down to the bottom of their happiness range by their actions. This finding confirmed my own observations. It seems obvious that some people are more naturally ebullient or melancholic than others and that, at the same time, people's decisions about how to live their lives also effect their happiness.
Dear sun,
This weather gives me absolutely no energy. And I have a lot to accomplish today. I'm going to start by making myself some coffee and eating a piece of toast. Deep cleaning is on the list of things to get done today. I've been wanting to dedicate a day to deep cleaning for a week or so but it's definitely a must after my cat, Oscar, pooped on his tail last night and proceeded to drag it around the apartment until I noticed what was actually going on and why it smelt as bad as it did in here. It wasn't just coming from his liter box, it was following him everywhere. Gross. He wasn't too happy with me as I held him down and gave his tail a nice bath in the sink. That's what you get for being nasty, Oscar. Washing all the dishes is on the list. I say it like that because literally all the dishes are dirty. At least I feel like they are. Our dish washer broke awhile ago, and was fixed so I filled it the other day, put in detergent, and realized it was broken again. So I have a sink and dish washer filled with dirty dishes. Funn. Good thing I enjoy washing dishes. I will also be vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom, because my cats not only like to go to the bathroom in their litter box, they like to play in it. So as you probably guessed, there is litter all over the bathroom a short two days after I have cleaned the floors in there. Trust me, if you knew how sweet my cats are, this would all be worth it to you. It is to me!
Weekend recap: Amazing birthday celebration on Friday! The three of us: Tier, Kris and myself, decided what better place to celebrate our birthdays than at Epic Event Center? That place has always been our favorite and the amount of fun we have each time we are there is crazy! The lady that we booked bottle service on an entire balcony to ourselves made us feel like the frickin president. Our experience there was awesome, as usual and the show was great too! Infected Mushroom, we will be back to see you again!
Other fantastic news: Last week my co-teacher walked into my room and told me to go talk to Dani, our assistant director and one who does the scheduling, because I had asked for days off and am horrible at writing in the time-off book. I tend to write things down on the wrong month frequently. fail. So she wanted to check for sure. "You have two days off not this week, but next, and then three days the following week.. What is that for? Where are you going?" Me: "Hmm, Mayy.. 12th?.. OH! I'm going to be in Cali!!" Dani: "How do you not know that you are going to Cali in less than two weeks?"
"I don't know? Because my life is awesome and I can't keep track of the fun that never stops?" :):)
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San Frannn |
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love. |
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